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Autor Thema: S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???  (Gelesen 6468 mal)


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S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« am: 08. Februar 2009, 16:28:31 »

Hab durch Internetrecherche unter anderem auf dieser Seite:, rausgefunden das dieses Sam anscheinend unter anderem helfen soll den erhöten Billirubinwert abzubauen. Hat da jemand von euch schon Erfahrungen gemacht, der Artikel hört sich ja soweit recht vielversprechend an. Würde mich sehr über Atworten freuen.


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Re: S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« Antwort #1 am: 09. Februar 2009, 00:35:47 »


ich habe schon davon gehört, es aber noch nie ausprobiert. Wenn Du es ausprobieren wirst dann schreib bitte Deine Erfahrungen hier :-)

Liebe Grüße

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Re: S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« Antwort #2 am: 15. Februar 2009, 08:33:03 »

Hallo, kannst du mir von dem angegebenen Link eine deutsche Übersetzung geben? Mich würde dieser Artikel interessieren, meine Englischkenntnisse sind nicht mehr die neuesten. Vielen Dank


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Re: S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« Antwort #3 am: 16. Februar 2009, 12:28:08 »


ich denke auch daß der Artikel wichtig ist. Hier eine Komplettkopie:
Reprinted WITH permission. I got this from the author - she's friends with a nutritionist I saw who helped me with the Gilbert's Syndrome. Hope you enjoy!
Gilberts Syndrome
By Marina Eckel
April 27, 2000

        Gilberts syndrome has been long recognized as the inability to detoxify bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemolglobin. This inability causes the pigment to be recirculated through the body and results in a slight yellowish tinge to the skin, jaundice in the absence of hepatitis. This condition is hereditary. Five to seven percent of the general population is diagnosed with this condition, which has been determined to be benign by the allopathic community. High levels of bilirubin in the blood as well as yellowish skin are diagnostic markers. It is more often diagnosed in men, but this may be due to the fact that more young men than women are undergoing complete physicals as part of the recruitment process into the military. New research is showing that this benign condition is actually a deeper condition which requires recognition and slight control of lifestyle in order to be optimally lived with. Many individuals report symptoms of chronic fatigue and headaches associated with GS. These symptoms are most likely the effect of a weary liver, overburdened with toxins which are difficult to eliminate. This paper will discuss this issue.
        Gilberts Syndrome is a condition which is quickly gaining recognition. Gilberts Syndrome (GS) is a genetic and therefore inherited condition which is characterized by a defect in the Phase II detoxification enzyme UDP-Glucuronyl transferase (UDPGT) which is responsible for the glucuronidation detoxification pathway in the liver. People who have this condition are inefficient in detoxifying and conjugating both endogenous and exogenous toxins which require the glucuronidation pathway for elimination from the body. One endogenous component which requires this pathway is bilirubin which has been discussed above. New research is showing that glucuronidation is an important detoxification pathway for many other substances and that individuals who have this disorder are more susceptible to toxic reactions to xenobiotics and drugs. {Pizzorno, 156}.
        One drug in particular that is receiving a lot of attention with this disorder is acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. The glucuronidation pathway is directly and primarily involved in its complete elimination from the body. Acetaminophen is to some extent broken down by Phase I liver enzymes into a far more active and toxic form of the drug. People with Gilberts Syndrome are unable to complete the detoxification process which leaves the extremely toxic substances in the liver for an extended amount of time causing damage and cell death. It has been seen that the typical person with GS has a 31% slower rate of glucuronidation of acetaminophen. {Pizzorno, 156}.
        Other substances which are detoxified by a healthy glucuronidation pathway are aspirin, tolbutamide, menthol, vanillin (synthetic vanilla), food additives such as benzoates, and some hormones. {Pizzorno, 105}. GS sufferers will have trouble detoxifying and eliminating all of these substances. Many common medications and anesthetics are also dependent on this important detoxification pathway.
        Symptoms of poor detoxification are jaundice, anorexia, malaise, and fatigue: common symptoms of individuals who write into a Gilberts Syndrome support website: Gilberts Syndrome can also cause cholestatis, or reduced bile flow, which results in fatigue, malaise, digestive disturbances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities, PMS, and constipation. {Murray, 371}.

        Any individual who is aware of the mechanism behind the disorder, who can avoid substances which rely on this pathway, and who eats to optimize liver function and detoxification with a focus on this pathway will be able to alleviate the stress which this condition places on the liver and ultimately reduce symptoms and consequences of this disorder.

        Tylenol, aspirin, clofibrate, tolbutamide, menthol, vanillin (synthetic vanilla), food additives such as benzoates, any medication which requires the glucuronidation pathway. {Pizzorno, 105}. Be sure to investigate any anesthetic that will be used. Many require this pathway and can cause adverse reactions if administered (including seizures).
        The activation of UDPGT is increased by foods rich in a monoterpene called limonene, these foods include citrus peel, dill weed oil and caraway oil. These foods have been shown to improve glucuronidation and also protect us from chemical carcinogens. {Murray and Pizzorno, 119}.
        Sulfur rich also help the glucuronidation pathway to work correctly: egg yolks, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussel sprouts. {Murray and Pizzorno, 120}.
        Be sure to drink at least 48 oz. of pure water daily. {Murray and Pizzorno, 120).
        S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), an important physiological agent formed in the body by combining the essential amino acid methionine with adenosyl-triphosphate (ATP) has been shown to both activate several Phase II pathways (including glucuronidation) as well as promote bile flow and relieve cholestatis. {Pizzorno, 157} {Murray, 372}.
o        Supplementation of 1 gram of SAM twice daily results in a significant decrease in serum bilirubin in patients with GS. {Pizzorno, 157}
o        Supplementation with SAM at a dosage of 400 mg three times daily has resulted in a significant decrease in serum bilirubin in patients with GS. {Murray, 372}.
o        SAM presents no significant side effects though individuals with bipolar (manic) depression should not take SAM as it may provoke a manic phase. {Murray, 372}.
        A deficiency of methionin, vitamin B12, or folic acid can result in decreased SAM synthesis {Murray, 365}, therefore it is important that individuals eat whole foods to ensure a full range of nutrients.
        Calcium D-Glucarate, a component of Tylers Detoxification Formula, works to prevent the action of beta-glucuronidase in the intestine. Beta glucuronidase enzymatically can deconjugate glucuronidation bound toxins, releaseing the toxins and allowing them to be reabsorbed in the intestines. {Ackerson, 312}. Blocking this action allows glucuronide-bound xenobiotics to be successfully eliminated from the body.
        Vitamin C functions to activate the glucuronidation pathway {Bland, 10} and should be supplemented on a regular basis. Exact ranges to be determined by a nutrition consultant.
        Liver teas, suchas those that contain dandelion root, milk thistle, and other liver specific herbs should be consumed to support the liver and optimize function. Pool Ridge Herbs Liv-Clean is an example of such a tea.

The above suggestions are merely a generic recommendation for those who have been diagnosed with Gilberts Syndrome. Exact instructions and recommendations can only be fine-tuned to an individual after thorough intake and understanding of an individuals metabolism and health. Those wishing for education should contact a certified nutrition consultant who is trained to conduct such an investigation. A natural protocol such as that listed above is preferable to the prescription of Phenobarbital, a powerful sedative drug used to alleviate jaundice in GS. This drug creates a proliferation of membranes and cytochrome enzyme proteins which are directly involved in the elimination of bilirubin from the blood ( Side effects of this drug are drowsiness, impaired concentration, and mental and physical sluggishness (Rybacki and Long, 784). Other adverse effects on health, sexual function and emotional function should be investigated carefully in a PDR or similar manual by an individual who might consider this drug.
        Clearly a nutritive, natural approach to Gilberts Disease is not a difficult task to undertake. Through education, avoidance of foods which aggravate the disorder, and through ingestion of foods, beverages, and supplements that can alleviate the disorder and symptoms, a diagnosed Gilberts Syndrome individual can maximize optimum health.


Ackerson, Amber. Dietary Regulation of Detoxification. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. September/October 1996, pp. 310-315.

Bland, Jeffrey S. New Perspectives in Nutritional Therapies: Improving Patient Outcomes. HealthComm, Inc., Gig Harbor, Washington, 1996.

Murray, Michael and Joseph Pizzorno, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Prima Health, Rocklin, CA, 1998.

Pizzorno, Joseph. Total Wellness. Prima Health, Rocklin, CA, 1998.

Rybacki, James J. and James W. Long, The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, NY, 1999.

Was die Übersetzung betrifft, da komme ich momentan schlecht dazu...

Liebe Grüße

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Re: S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« Antwort #4 am: 09. März 2009, 19:06:08 »

Also ich habe jezt mal probiert einen halbwegs "wissentschaftlichen" Selbstversuch durchzuführen, mit einem durchaus positivem Ergebniss. Habe jetzt eine Packung Same mit 30 (400 mg pro Tablette) Tabletten über einen Zeitraum von 15 Tagen eingenommen. Also 2 Tabletten pro Tag, mit dem Ergebniss das mein Bilirubinwert von 2,8 vor der Behandlung auf 2,33 nach Einnahme der letzten Tablette gesunken ist.
Ich hatte auch schon während der Einnahme ein subjektives Verbesserungsgefühl und auch keinerlei Nebenwirkungen. Ich denke dass sich die Wirkung durch eine längere Einnahmedauer noch steigern lässt. Also schlussendlich ist es natürlich schwierig zu sagen ob dieses Absinken des Bilirubinwerts tatsächlich mit der Einnahme von Same zusammenhängt zumal die Werte ja auch täglichen Schwankungen unterworfen sind. Ich bin jedoch der subjektiven Meinung, dass sich bei mir die Sklerenverfärbung, die mich persönlich am meisten stört deutlich reduziert hat, was ja auch die Blutwerte belegen. Deswegen werde ich die behandlung fortsetzen und würde mich darüber freuen wenn sich noch andere finden würden die hier über ihre Erfahrungen mit Same berichten würden oder die sich durch meinen kleinen Bericht dazu ermutigt fühlen würden es auch mal mit der Behandlung mit Same zu probieren. Damit man mal einen breiteren Querschnitt über die tatsächliche Wirkung von Same hinsichtlich des Bilirubinwerts erhält.


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Re:S-adenosylmethionine (Sam) mögliche Lösung???
« Antwort #5 am: 10. November 2010, 16:06:30 »

Und?Wie ist das jetzt mit SAM?
Ich dachte zuerst das ist ein Junge der einen Weg gefunden hat den wert zu Senken^-^

Wie geht es dir jetzt, sind die Augen weg , also das gelbe ?:D
Und die Symptome ?

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