Information taken from:
In a message dated 3/1/99 10:16:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< Mostly my concerns
are fatigue, inability to engage in activities requiring physical exertion
and intense problems with diminished cognitive skills which you may be
referring to as brain fog... >>
Thank you for responding to my web page. I will be adding a segment on thyroid
function since I started taking natural thyroid hormone last November. Although
the fatigue and brain fog disappeared after the bacteria was controlled I still had
a difficult time getting up in the morning and I felt that there was still something wrong with me. I started with the lowest dose and doubled that every two weeks until I reached 120 mg. At 150 mg I started to experience overdose symptoms so
I am now back at the 120 mg level. Last week I took my family on a skiing vacation
and had the stamina of a 17 yr. old. I no longer have that nagging feeling that there is something wrong with me.
The following information was given to my wife Janet by my doctor:
1. Use any mercury thermometer. Shake it down the night before to
96 degrees fahrenheit
= 35.55 Grad Celsius
less and put it by your bedside.
2. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, put the thermometer deep in your armpit for
ten minutes and record the temperature. Do this before you get out of bed, have anything
to eat or drink, or engage in any activity. This will measure your lowest temperature of
the day, which correlates with thyroid gland function. The normal axillary temperature is
97.8-98.2 degrees Fahrenheit
= 36.55 - 36.77 Grad Celsius
We frequently recommend treatment if the temperature averages
97.4 or less.
= 36.33 Grad Celsius
The temperature should be taken for five days. However, if the temperature is
97.0 or less
= 36.11 Grad Celsius
for three consecutive days, you do not need to take the last two temperatures.
axillary (underarm) temperature is used because oral (mouth) temperature does not correlate
closely with thyroid function.
3. For women, the temperature should be taken starting the second day of menstruation.
That is because a temperature rise occurs around the time of ovulation which may lead to
incorrect interpretation of the test. If you miss a day, that is OK, but be sure to finish the testing
before ovulation. For men, and for women who are menopausal, it makes no difference when
the temperatures are taken. However, do not do the test when you have an infection or any
other condition that would raise your temperature.
There is considerable evidence that blood tests often fail to detect hypothyroidism (underactive
thyroid). It appears that many individuals have "tissue resistance" to thyroid hormone.
Therefore, your body may need more thyroid hormone, even though the amount in your blood is
normal. A low axillary temperature suggests (but does not prove) hypothyroidism. We
frequently recommend a therapeutic trial with a natural thyroid medication for individuals who
have typical hypothyroid signs and symptoms and a low body temperature. This approach to
thyroid therapy is controversial and is currently outside of the medical mainstream. However,
we have found this method to be safe when properly administered, and in some cases it is the
most effective or the only effective treatment for certain chronic problems.
Fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating, difficulty getting up in the morning, cold hands
and feet or intolerance to cold, constipation, loss of hair, fluid retention, dry skin, poor
resistance to infection, high cholesterol, psoriasis, eczema, acne, premenstrual syndrome, loss
of menstrual periods, painful or irregular menstrual periods, excessive menstrual bleeding,
infertility (male or female), fibrocystic breast disease, and ovarian cysts.
We consider thyroid hormone to be safe when administered properly. Occasionally, people
taking thyroid hormone experience nervousness, rapid pulse, insomnia, and (on rare occasions
chest pain. If any of these side effects occur, reduce the dose and call the office.
............... read on in the above mentioned link