I received an interesting reply to the above mentioned "anti-mask-article" which I think you should read:
X-51 - 19 hours ago
The argument about the size of the virus vs. filtration capabilities of masks has zero merit or scientific evidence behind it.
The virus (like so many other similar viruses) do not get up and fly on their own (there are hoaxes on the internet saying it is airborne, but they have been consistently debunked). They travel via respiratory droplets which either land directly in/around eyes, mouth and nose, if small enough may become aerosolized and subsequently inhaled, or fall on other surfaces and then transferred to the eyes, mouth, and nose.
Respiratory droplets are significantly larger than a virus - usually in the range of 5 µm to 1000 µm - which an n95 mask is more than capable of handling.
This also doesn’t account for the fact that neither the virus nor respiratory droplets are in any way capable of navigation, so even masks with holes larger than 1000 µm are capable of reducing exposure just by being there.
And did they even read their own references properly?
First of all, let’s clear up some terminology. Hypoxia specifically means lowered oxygenation of the tissue, but has come to be (incorrectly) used to refer to lowered oxygenation of the blood (which is actually called hypoxemia). I will use the correct terminology here - hypoxia for tissue, hypoxemia for blood…
Reference 1 - The conclusion states “The effectiveness of masks and respirators is linked to consistent and correct usage” - they suggest masks do work, but in most cases were being used incorrectly.
Reference 2 - States that their own results are inconclusive.
Reference 3 - This opposes the argument that hypoxemia/hypercarbia is the probable cause of headaches, listing them as only related possibilities, with design of the PPE being the major factor.
Reference 4 - This hypothesizes that the reduction in blood oxygen is a psychological effect of the mask more than a physical barrier when it states “Thus it is hard to believe that these masks serve as a reducer of oxygen uptake, but they may be acting as a psychological restriction over spontaneous breathing of the active surgeon”.
Reference 8 & 10 - These references specifically talk about hypoxia, and are thus invalid to the argument since hypoxemia levels from masks are not sufficient to cause hypoxia.
Reference 9 - Russell Blaylock MD is a complete fucking nutjob whose unscientific notions have little to no scientific basis:
https://geneticliteracyproject.org/glp-facts/russell-blaylock/ - reading that it sounds like they’ve been listening to him.
Reference 12 - Yes, the virus can cause viral encephalopathy. Nothing to argue there. But nothing here proves (or even mentions) that masks cause you to rebreathe the virus. Obviously it happens to some small degree, but there is also no evidence that rebreathing the virus causes an increase in chance of viral encephalopathy.
Reference 13 - Says there is no proof that viral encephalitis occurs via the olfactory nerves in humans, and most human viral encephalopathy (with other viruses) occurs via the bloodstream, and only suggests the possibility of it with Covid19 because they have seen evidence indicating it in mice!
Reference 5, 6, 7, & 11 - I can’t even access these references due to either errors or logins.
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qrnef - 18 hours ago
I wish I could tip your reply. Well said.
Block User
medicineman9 - 19 hours ago
Thank you for your input. As my article states, I found this in the Internet.
I currently do not have time to analyze all this and reply. Yes, changing links are a problem in the Internet, ever changing links and disappearing content is “normal” thanks to copyright and various legal reasons.
Let me think about all that. I have to contemplate if I should take this down, but there are several other factors at play here which are also worth considering, but I simply dont have time right now. I will come back here when I find the time. Feel free to discuss this with others if someone else replies. Or put the article up for discussion on other sites. Thanks so far!
X-51 - 18 hours ago
Ahh, I missed the “found this” at the start. I will rewrite slightly since they aren’t directly your arguments. But yes, a lot of anti-scientific stuff there, and a lot of failure to read their own references.
Block User
medicineman9 - 12 hours ago
You are most likely right about the size of the droplets, which would justify masks to a certain degree. (hypoxia or hypoxemia is a technicality from my point of view as it does not change the basic problem that masks will create the below mentioned problems in many people, especially if they are forced to wear them during long work hours.)
However, I think to assess all this, one has to take many more factors into account: 1.) The governments are basically forcing the entire population to wear these masks, often also during long work hours. 1.1.) This means that A LOT of people will get reduced immunity thanks to CO2 rebreathing and possible lung damage or lung infection because of virus / bacteria inhalation, and this during a pandemic. Most people will only use basic cloth masks. So you will create a guaranteed number of people with reduced immunity and lung problems, the question is if this is justified if you compare the total damage to the damage caused by coronavirus. Furthermore the reduced immunity will make them more vulnerable (to all sorts of infectious diseases). 1.2.) Many people are not going to desinfect masks properly. 1.3.) Many people will think “I wear a mask” and will stop social distancing, or will not keep the recommended distance, which is a desaster, as social distancing is probably THE most important factor. 1.4.) There are always the types who wear a mask ALL THE TIME, even when alone and out in the open. 1.5.) Many masks need readjustment - so people will touch their face near their eyes etc., which they should not do. So masks might increase infection rates by this problem alone. 1.6.) Masks stop working after a few hours or sooner, aka if they are wet, aka the droplets will get through the soaked masks.
The question is if all this is justified if wearing a simple plexiglas face shield can do the same, and is much more hygienic. I guess it is also probably better regarding CO2 inhalation. A plexiglass shield furthermore usually also protects the eyes. So why arent governments recommending it? Please note that in Asia people wear these masks mainly because of air pollution and dust. They can also stop bacterial infections.
I guess you will agree that the most important factor in a pandemic is overall immunity. Good immune system = you are usually bullet proof. In case of covid-19 you might say well, the cytokine storm turns your own immune system against you, so this can also affect young people, but there are ways to stop this, for example this recipe is supposed to work great:
On May 14, the Alliance for Natural Health published an article on a treatment which apparently can save some 98 % of COVID patients.[1]
The doctors (Dr. Pierre Kory et al.) have called it MATH+:
intravenous methylprednisolone;
intravenous ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin D and zinc ;
https://www.anhinternational.org/news/why-is-success-in-critical-care-being-ignored/https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Testimony-Kory-2020-05-06-REVISED.pdfRussell B, Moss C, Rigg A, Van Hemelrijck M. COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting? Ecancermedicalscience. 2020 Mar 30;14:1023. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2020.1023. PMID: 32256706; PMCID: PMC7105332
By now we have a lot of medicines which stop covid-19 in its tracks, for example hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc and azithromycin (Dr. Zelenko) or even a simple asthma spray containing budesonide: Asthma “steroid” nebulizer (containing “Budesonide”) eradicates COVID-19?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=54&v=eDSDdwN2Xcg&feature=emb_logo (information by Dr. Richard Bartlett)
We also know, and this is verified by studies, that simple vitamine D in high dosage makes you virtually bulletproof. Vitamine C also works very well, especially intravenous. Inhalation of Oregano-oil or inhalation (nebulizing) colloidal silver is also supposed to work. Also increasing your intake of for example Iodine.
Yet, governments (which are corrupt of course and in the pockets of big pharma) still insist that there is no way to prevent covid-19 and that the only available measures are washing your hands, wearing masks and practicing social distancing.
At the same time, I heard that patients who do not show symptoms are not infectious, or that an infection is very seldom, aka asymptomatic carriers do not infect. Patients with symptoms infect through direct contact (droplets). I even heard that transmission via smear infection is not proven. Another factor you hear nothing about from our beloved governments is ventilation (draft) - so, if you open windows in a bus or set the ventilation to maximum the chance of contracting covid-19 by a diseased passenger is said to sink significantly (or dramatically, cant remember). Why dont you hear anything about this from our beloved governments and the so called experts?
Sane measures would probably be to issue mandatory wearing of protective equipment at “hotspots”, and hotspots only, for example plexiglass face shields. And not cloth masks for the entire population. Furthermore focus on social distancing, maximum ventilation in public transportation. Supply people with substances that increase immunity (instead of pretending nothing exists that works for covid-19). If someone has a verified infection, immediately find out who this person met and isolate all this cases as well (this is being done, more or less professionally, by now, lol). Temperature readings at entrances of certain buildings, at gatherings, at the borders etc…
From my POV it looks as if governments are not interested - they want the multi billion profits (they are most certainly bribed by big pharma), they want the total surveillance state (like in China, including social score), they want the prohibition of cash, they want a 1984 society, they want world government etc. etc… Oh and they also want a 2nd lockdown - then the economy can finally crash and they can declare covid-19 as the culprit, “there was nothing wrong with the system” <-- lol. They want forced mass vaccinations and not only once, but regularly.
Sorry for my clumsy english, my mother tongue is german.
This is just a sketch, but I think I wrote most of my thoughts. Oh and btw, why dont we have videos of people falling over like in Wuhan, seemingly in the entire western world? Lets just say something is very, very fishy about all this, and I think the genii (if this is the plural of genius) who said there cant be a world conspiracy - as if it was so difficult for a few rich people to create a plan and coordinate it with each other - should think twice. Of course there can, and it seems there is. I think this whole thing is a damn coup, designed to enslave people, or some sh*t like this. There are more than enough groups trying to reach world domination. It also seems the whole thing is a damn bioweapon. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.
Hm, enough. Just my two cents 🙂
P.S.: Sorry for the weird formatting, the system here seems to interprete some chars as formatting commands, I dont know what this is and wont change it, I guess the posting is fine. Clumsy, but fine, lol.
X-51 - 11 hours ago
I don’t have time to cover everything, but:
Yes, people still need to be vigilant when wearing a mask. Far too many people get complacent and think it is enough to protect them.
There is still no consistent evidence masks cause hypoxemia or hypercapnia, but there is evidence against it. Even if they do, there is no evidence mild hypoxemia or mild hypercapnia cause an inhibited immune system. There has been considerable research in this field given that hypercapnia is a common side-effect of COPD, which is one of the worlds largest, mostly unrecognized killers. I only know about it because I have lost family to it.
Masks do not magically stop working after a few hours. Yes, cloth/paper masks become less effective, but they do not become ineffective.
Asymptomatic carriers are an unknown - estimates put asymptomatic transmission anywhere between 2.2% and 45%, the numbers fluctuate so wildly because it is difficult to confirm between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic carriers.
Plexiglass face shields only block direct respiratory droplets - they don’t block those small enough to be temporarily airborne. Shield & mask is the safer option.
If governments are really so interested in a total surveillance state, why are they recommending face masks? There are so many other ways to track people already in existence that these crazy ideas about contact tracking apps or injecting trackers with a vaccine are preposterous. Facial recognition is so much easier, China do it already - and introducing masks is antithetical to this.
Far too many of these one world government and illuminati type conspiracy ideas ignore some major facts - some governments will never get along, and would actively try to undermine each other if there was a foothold to be gained. If there really was evidence of a virus conspiracy in America you can guarantee the Russians or Chinese would have it, and would have used it to destabilize the country even further. Instead they are just inflaming racial tensions. The same would happen with Russia towards Ukraine, and many other existing enmities.
But I’m done. I have better things to do.
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medicineman9 - a few seconds ago
Thanks for your input and the work you put into this 🙂 I would like to write a (relatively ;-)) short answer for the sake of completeness.
1.) I agree with you. 2.) If you are correct then CO2 reinhalation does not play a major role, or a drop in O2 concentration, still I think that rebreathing bacteria and viruses that collect in the mask are a big problem. I read several reports of people contracting a severe lung illness after wearing masks during long hours, rendering them incapable of work. This may cause long term damage - as you said, lung diseases should be taken very serious. Perhaps many people do not switch masks often enough, or this is an inherent side effect of masks if worn long enough, I cannot tell. 3.) Ok. In our newspapers they reported that masks loose their function after a few hours, so this was probably poor journalism. I guess some of the protection remains as you said then. 4.) Ok, I cannot tell this as well. I just read several times that asymptomatic carriers are not infectious or very unlikely to infect anyone.
5.) I think you are right regarding the droplets. But as mask wearing is most likely not healthy at all plexiglass shields might be the better alternative overall, at least for most of the population. Risk groups should probably wear both. I cannot assess this as long as there is no direct comparison of effectiveness of plexiglass and mask. 6.) I think for the coming surveillance state the smartphone will be key and center, anyone will need it and wont leave the house without it, as you will need it for EVERYTHING. Just like in China. So this will be the main identification - they will put people on a leash by smartphone. You wont be able to do sh*t without it. I heard that the covid tracking software is already on every android phone - it was put there by update and is currently inactive. They will activate it at a later time. Then they will move more and more functions to the smartphone, for example payment. They will claim that cash spreads the infection. It will also be a passport and necessary to vote. Etc. etc. etc. Facial recognition is therefore only a secondary means of identification, they will use this as well of course, as well as all other sources of identification and mass surveillance. But smartphone will most likely be Nr. 1… 7.) Yes, many of these groups fight each other and cancel each other out, which is a good thing. I think we would have gotten a world government a long time ago already if this would not be the case. However, currently it seems that a certain group finally collected most of the power and reached dominance over all other groups and over much of the world. One of the US founding fathers said: “If you want to know who rules over you, you just need to ask yourself whom you are not allowed to criticize”. So the answer is very clear, as there is only one group nowadays that everyone fears to criticize in public, and everyone knows this group and that you better dont say a word against them. But calling this group out loud is so politically incorrect and goes so much against peoples programming that they only react with cognitive dissonance, so most cannot give themselves the answer to this question. The masses are not interested in the truth anyways, so they dont even have this problem 😉
Well, this is just my opinion. Thanks again for your contribution 🙂