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Autor Thema: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection  (Gelesen 124818 mal)


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Please also read the thread here:,1310.0.html


According to my research, three substances should be effective in high dosages
1.) Vitamine C, read Dr. Thomas E. Levys books, for example "Primal Panacea" if you want to know why this works.
2.) Vitamine D (always combine with K2), read "Dr. Helden"s information if you want to know why this works, or other information of that kind.
3.) Iodine (Lugols Solution) (always combine with Selenium), see for example "Fenbenlady"s information at

If you have a Vitamine A deficiency, also take Vitamine A.

Also see
« Letzte Änderung: 17. Juni 2021, 21:16:28 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #1 am: 16. März 2020, 23:12:17 »
and scroll down to "How Can We Best Prevent or Treat COVID-19 Infection?"
How Can We Best Prevent or Treat COVID-19 Infection?

While it's unclear exactly which treatment is the most effective, my guess is that Dr. Paul Marik's intravenous vitamin C protocol for sepsis would be a good starting point, seeing how sepsis appears to be what kills those who succumb to a serious COVID-19 infection.

Marik's retrospective before-after clinical study14,15 showed that giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and vitamin B1 for two days reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. The precise protocol used was 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours, 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid every six hours, and 50 mg of hydrocortisone every six hours.16 Importantly, the treatment has no side effects and is inexpensive, readily available and simple to administer.

According to Marik, vitamin C and corticosteroids have a synergistic effect,17 which is part of why his combo protocol is so effective. Still, simply using high-dose IV vitamin C exclusively has been shown to improve survival in patients with sepsis and acute respiratory failure, reducing mortality from 46% to 30%.18

It also reduced the number of days they needed to remain hospitalized. On average, those who received vitamin C had by Day 28 spent three fewer days in the intensive care unit than the placebo group (seven days compared to 10). By Day 60, the treatment group had also spent seven fewer days in the hospital overall —15 days compared to 22.19

While there are no trials that look at integrating hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), my suspicion is that this would provide a powerful synergy that could get the fatality rate from sepsis even closer to zero. Sadly, HBOT is not available at many hospitals, and even if it were, it is not approved for sepsis.

You can learn more about Marik's sepsis protocol in "Vitamin C — A Game Changer in Treatment of Deadly Sepsis," along with commonsense recommendations for how to lower your risk of sepsis in the first place.

You can also review Marik's PowerPoint presentation, "Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," presented at the 2020 Critical Care Reviews meeting in Australia. For COVID-19 at-home care advice from the WHO, please see "Novel Coronavirus — The Latest Pandemic Scare."

Also read
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #2 am: 20. März 2020, 23:32:33 »

BREAKING NEWS, a drug called chloroquine / hydroxychloroquine MIGHT CURE Coronavirus:
A peer-reviewed study shows that 100% of patients, after 6 days of taking a Malaria drug were "virologically" cured
This is, reportedly, the 2nd 100% cure to a virus that has ever existed
Here the study:
Here the original source:
Here a statement of President Trump regarding all this:
« Letzte Änderung: 22. März 2020, 16:08:27 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #3 am: 22. März 2020, 16:08:51 »

Google and the medical-industrial complex / pharma corporations suppress information about Coronavirus-Cure (Hydroxychloroquine in combination with Azithromycin)Google und der medizinisch-industrielle Komplex unterdrücken Informationen über Coronavirus-Heilmittel (Hydroxychloroquine in combination with Azithromycin) /

also see
« Letzte Änderung: 31. März 2020, 13:30:37 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #4 am: 26. März 2020, 11:43:16 »

Dr. Zenloko's Successful Treatment of Covid

Treated 350 patients, 100% CURE RATE:

0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations, 0 intubations breathing restored in 3-4 hours

1 - Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg 1 pill 2x a day/5 days

2 - Azithromycin 500 mg 1 pill/day/5 days

3 - Zinc sulfate 220 mg 1 pill/day/5 days
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #6 am: 27. März 2020, 13:41:14 »

original (untranslated) video:


English Subs for Prof. Didier Raoult's interview on his channel "We have the right to be intelligent", dedicated to supporting oppressed minorities.

-------------------------- CRUCIAL INFORMATION ------------- PLEASE SHARE WIDELY ------------------
00:04:05 We do need to be careful… because, regarding therapeutics, what we start to notice is that-the patients, when they start suffering from breathing, at the time they are admitted in the ICU, in reality, they already are almost virus-free. And often we are not even able to cultivate the virus. So, it is TOO LATE to treat people with antiviral drugs, it is too late. It is only when they have moderate forms, mild, starting to worsen, that they must be treated because this is when you can put the multiplying viruses under control. Whereas, once in the ICU...

00:02:09 As for toxicity, here also people are becoming crazy. I see the FDA, in the USA, that is, to say the least, a regulator that is extremely tough, approving the treatment for New-Yorkers with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin... To put things into perspective, azithromycin, there was a study done not in France, but in the USA:  every single year, one patient out of 8 do take azithromycin. So I do not know   if you realize how frequent that is... Regarding Chloroquine, more than a BILLION of people have taken chloroquine. So, you see, when looking at toxicity of things...

00:04:46. how do you manage to save the life of someone who is over 80, and intubated, that is breathing artificially, who is going to be staying in the ICU for a month. It is extremely difficult. So my plea is that we start to treat  people before that, and there  are signs that makes you think that you may be sick when  you are not able to smell odors, what we call  anosmia, when you cannot fell the taste of salt  what we call ageusia, those are often associated to  this new disease. Those are probably the one in need to be tested in priority 

00:05:28 So you see, this is the number of deaths  that we have by week, in the hospital  you see 3 years of data  You see that whereas we usually have  a peak in Jan Feb March, here  and here, now we do not have it. We have seen a peak in December, before the Covid, but here we have rather less deaths than usual. So, it is not very worrying. And when we analyze from what  have died the people that died  we look at this every week  from what they died  and for the first time, we see clearly  that 2 individuals had a  coronavirus, who died, from  the Chinese coronavirus  but we also see 2 individuals who died with  a coronavirus NL63 [inaudible] for now, we as seen as many deaths  from the other coronaviruses than this one   and there was 1 dead with a meta-pneumovirus. So, if you consider  the last months, the last 4 months  of the current year, compared to  the 4 months of last year to assess the respiratory infections  of viral origin  for now they are less this year  around 2 times less  than what we saw last year. So maybe... the future is unpredictable, we will see, because there is currently less flu  and many syncytial respiratory viruses  that have circulated, we will see  what will happen, what the data will show  the practical data, but for now  the few deaths we have are quite old people  as show by all those who took  a look at mortality  and the mortality rate due to viral respiratory  infections is not significatively  higher. As for us, looking at our own data, we have 1300 cases that have been diagnosed, and 5 deaths   meaning that we are currently at 0.4% of mortality which is usual for viral   respiratory infections. So this is a learning. This is a disease that is spreading, with the same level of mortality than any other respiratory viral infections.

Who is Prof. Didier Raoult ?

Go to, and search for the leading world specialists on “communicable diseases”.
Professor Raoult comes as the number 1 worldwide expert in the field.

Prof. Didier Raoult heads the Méditerranée-Infection Institute:

Presentation of the research institute Professor (in French):

- It is here that the most microbes in the world have been identified.
- They have the best equipment in the world, in microscopy, genetics, proteins, culture
- Receive more than a million samples a year to analyze.
- Treatment capabilities for ultra-contagious diseases
- Produces more than 700 international publications a year
- 800 people in this building."
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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #7 am: 27. März 2020, 22:31:32 »

To summarize, Vitamin C, Vitamine D, Zinc and cistus incanus tea are all good for protection :-)

What will also probably work is iodine, but no guarantees.
What will also probably work is colloidal silver, but no guarantees.
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #8 am: 31. März 2020, 13:29:12 »

A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus
By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko
Board Certified Family Practitioner
501 Rt 208, Monroe, NY 10950 845-238-0000

To all medical professionals around the world:

My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last 16 years, I have cared for approximately 75% of the adult population of Kiryas Joel, which is a very close knit community of approximately 35,000 people in which the infection spread rapidly and unchecked prior to the imposition of social distancing.

As of today my team has tested approximately 200 people from this community for Covid-19, and 65% of the results have been positive. If extrapolated to the entire community, that means more than 20,000 people are infected at the present time. Of this group, I estimate that there are 1500 patients who are in the high-risk category (i.e. >60, immunocompromised, comorbidities, etc).

Given the urgency of the situation, I developed the following treatment protocol in the pre-hospital setting and have seen only positive results:

1. Any patient with shortness of breath regardless of age is treated.

2. Any patient in the high-risk category even with just mild symptoms is treated.

3. Young, healthy and low risk patients even with symptoms are not treated (unless their circumstances change and they fall into category 1 or 2).

My out-patient treatment regimen is as follows:

1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days

2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days

3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (sites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.

Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen.

Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.

In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.

With much respect, Dr. Zev Zelenko

The original source of this article is PCR Institute for Political Economy
Copyright © Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, PCR Institute for Political Economy, 2020
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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #9 am: 14. April 2020, 19:37:34 »

Probably important information:

Whistleblower: COVID-19 Patients Need Oxygen Therapy Not Ventilator
by Tyler Durden
Tue, 04/14/2020 - 00:05

also see
(please note that "the malaria drug" (Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and Zinc) is working 100%, see Dr. Zelenkos results and the various studies by Dr. Didier Raoult, if given early enough!!)

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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #10 am: 07. Mai 2020, 09:17:09 »

I think you should better watch this, this is massively censored by Google (Youtube):
« Letzte Änderung: 31. März 2023, 14:12:09 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #11 am: 20. Mai 2020, 14:44:05 »

R. I. Horowitz, P. R. Freeman, J. Bruzzese. Efficacy of glutathione
therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A
report of 2 cases. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Volume 30, 2020, 101063

I learned about this via a French story: a 48 year old woman named
Joséphine was rescued with a daily dose of 2000 mg of glutathione over
five days.
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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #12 am: 24. Mai 2020, 23:48:18 »

NO GUARANTEES, I just found this somewhere in the Internet:
Advice from a respiratory therapist:

Since they are calling on Respiratory therapists to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting, I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is followed as given you will improve your chances of not ending up in the hospital on a ventilator. This applies to the otherwise generally healthy population, so use discretion.

1. Only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high. Tylenol, Advil. Motrin, Ibuprofen etc. will bring your fever down allowing the virus to live longer. They are saying that ibuprophen, advil etc will actually exacerbate the virus. Use common sense and don't let fever go over 103 or 104 if you got the guts. If it gets higher than that take your tylenol, not ibuprophen or advil to keep it regulated. It helps to keep house warm and cover up with blankets so body does not have to work so hard to generate the heat. It usually takes about 3 days of this to break the fever.
2. The body is going to dehydrate with the elevated temperature so you must rehydrate yourself regulaly, whether you like it or not. Gatorade with real sugar, or pedialyte with real sugar for kids, works well. Why the sugar? Sugar will give your body back the energy it is using up to create the fever. The electrolytes and fluid you are losing will also be replenished by the Gatorade. If you don't do this and end up in the hospital they will start an IV and give you D5W (sugar water) and Normal Saline to replenish electrolytes. Gatorade is much cheaper, pain free, and comes in an assortment of flavors
3. You must keep your lungs moist. Best done by taking long steamy showers on a regular basis, if your wheezing or congested use a real minty toothpaste and brush your teeth while taking the steamy shower and deep breath through your mouth. This will provide some bronchial dialation and help loosen the phlegm. Force your self to cough into a wet wash cloth pressed firmly over your mouth and nose, which will cause greater pressure in your lungs forcing them to expand more and break loose more of the congestion.
4. Eat healthy and regularly. Gotta keep your strength up.
5. Once the fever breaks, start moving around to get the body back in shape and blood circulating.
6. Deep breath on a regular basis, even when it hurts. If you don't it becomes easy to develope pneumonia. Pursed lip breathing really helps. That's breathing in deep and slow then exhaling through tight lips as if your blowing out a candle, blow until you have completely emptied your lungs and you will be able to breath in an even deeper breath. This helps keep lungs expanded as well as increase your oxygen level.
7. Remember that every medication you take is merely relieving the symptoms, not making you well.
8. If your still dying go to ER.

I've been doing these things for myself and my family for over 40 years and kept them out of the hospital, all are healthy and still living today. Thank you all for sharing. We gotta help one another.
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #13 am: 02. Juni 2020, 11:55:35 »

Short video in English with all the science link in the description
#vitamind deficiency is the killing power of SARS-CoV-2

Here a copy of the video description (truncated links by Google, thanks Google / Youtube, I wont manually repair all these links, complain at Google please, they will probably soon delete the above mentioned video anyways):
 Henrik Wallin
184 Abonnenten
Dissent This
If you want to follow only my English content, use the playlist:


(22nd of May) I and Dr John Campbell both just learnt from Dr Shelton that if you clean your skin with soap after the sunbathing, then you will become Vitamin D deficient even if you are an old person out in the Florida sun every day.
And mammals lick their fur to get vitamin D, while birds have an organ on their back so that they "lick" their feathers in a different way.

Irish researchers demands Vitamin-D supplementation advise from the government:

If everyone eats 50-125 µg (2000-5000 IU) vitamin D per day, SARS-CoV-2 is harmless (especially if you also take zink and a zink-transporter like quercetin/hydroxichloroquine/NAC. Star anise seems to be helpful too. These explain India's few covid-deaths despite rampant vitamin D deficiency. See this paper: Everything else, even French smokers' lower risk of infection, can be explain by vitamin D deficiency. ):

Everyone under 75 years with severe case of covid had a Vitamin D deficiency:

This report will come in an improved version next week, but is already clearly showing that Vitamin-D deficiency is the cause of COVID-deaths, not only a correlation:
"Evidence Supports a Causal Model for Vitamin D in COVID-19 Outcomes"

People with low Vitamin D levels are easier infected:
"25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations Are Lower in Patients with Positive PCR for SARS-CoV-2"

Compensated for age and comorbidities, there is still a 10 times higher risk for severe covid with Vitamin D deficiency (note that many of the comorbidites are caused by vitamin D deficiencies though!)

"The benefits of vitamin D supplementation were even more noticeable in children who had low levels of vitamin D at the start of the study, with a 74 per cent reduction in the incidence of ‘flu observed. "

The Vitamin D deficiency has exploded in USA. Ivor Cummings explains here:
While Finland has greatly improved their vitamin D levels the last decade:
"I Finland har man haft en politisk strategi för att förbättra D-vitaminstatus hos befolkningen. Bland annat rekommenderas tillskott till alla, från födseln och upp till 18 års ålder, och man har sedan många år tillbaka berikat livsmedel i större utsträckning än i övriga nordiska länder."

If vitamin D deficiency is eradicated, 70% of Big Pharma will be wiped out, and their ads in media and donations to MDs...

But even vaccines need vitamin D to work:

(I talk about new research every day in my Swedish channel - Links posted in description are mostly in English)
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« Letzte Änderung: 31. März 2023, 14:11:59 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Re: Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection
« Antwort #14 am: 06. Juni 2020, 17:03:30 »

Here another information which was sent to me by /

On May 14, the Alliance for Natural Health published an article on a treatment which apparently can save some 98 % of COVID patients.[1]

The doctors (Dr. Pierre Kory et al.) have called it MATH+:

     intravenous methylprednisolone;

     intravenous ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

     thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin D and zinc ;



Russell B, Moss C, Rigg A, Van Hemelrijck M. COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting? Ecancermedicalscience. 2020 Mar 30;14:1023. doi:
10.3332/ecancer.2020.1023. PMID: 32256706; PMCID: PMC7105332
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton

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