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Autor Thema: How to register  (Gelesen 5920 mal)


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How to register
« am: 02. September 2006, 13:51:05 »

If you have any problems with the below mentioned registering process please write an email to

How to register:

Open a 2nd window with this page so that you can jump between the 2 pages to read these instructions while doing the registering process :-)

Click on
and say "open in new window" to do so.

1.) Click on "Registrieren" (almost on top of screen, in the middle somewhere) which means register
2.) Fill out the form
Benutzernamen = username

Enter your email address in the "Emailadresse" field. Check the box next to the email address "Emailadresse nicht anzeigen (empfohlen) which means "do not show email address (recommended)"

The password line below must have a certain minimum length and must not resemble parts of the username. Furthermore it must be alphanumeric (contain numbers).
The next line is for the purpose that you retype the same password for verification that you wrote it right.

Regarding the verification letters picture firefox seems to have some problems with the function of getting a new picture (at least at my place, LOL!!!), try another browser then if this function does not work. Also the "listen to letters" function does not seem 100% operational with all browers yet.

3.) Read the english agreement statement

4.) Scroll down to "Ich bin einverstanden" (I agree), check the box and click on "Ich bin einverstanden". Ehm, only if you agree, of course  ;D ;D ;D

5.) The next message (hopefully!) means that a verification email was sent to your email address.

Go to the inbox of your email account and click on the appropriate email, then click on the verification link inside.

Then go to this forum again and click on "login" above, then enter your username and password and then click on login.

The first thing you should do now if the login process worked is that you click on "profil" above, then "benutzerkonto" on the left side, then change "verwendete sprachdatei" (= forum language) to english. From now on, every menu button etc. should be english :-) Of course, this only affects buttons and forum menus etc. and not the german section (hehe :) ).
« Letzte Änderung: 01. August 2017, 13:12:45 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton

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