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Die im Forum an verschiedenen Stellen enthaltenen, nicht mehr funktionierenden Links - das war ein Weiterleitungsdienst, der leider seinen Betrieb komplett eingestellt hat - können folgendermaßen "repariert" werden:,1161.msg4069.html#msg4069

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 am: Gestern um 10:30:17 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Ein Zitat in einem völlig anderen Zusammenhang gefunden, aber wie ich finde außerordentlich passend auf die Zeit von 2020 - 2024:
Wenn`s drauf ankommt, lernt man die Leute wirklich kennen.

 am: 13. April 2024, 23:38:04 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Ich halte das für einen sehr guten Rat, jetzt fallen bald die ersten Dominosteine und die Leuterln werden voraussichtlich sehr bald sehr wütend werden, da sollte man sich allerdings NICHT anschließen.
Auch folgendes bedenken..."MEIN ist die Rache, spricht der Herr"!
Die Oberen kommen auch nicht davon, NIEMAND kommt davon.
Das ahnt jetzt Keiner was passiert! Mach nicht diesen Fehler! (Psychologie aktuell)
Lohrey Training

 am: 13. April 2024, 23:11:29 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
No guarantees:
Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear

“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”

He says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”

- Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

Source: @_aussie17
Via @vigilantfox

 am: 13. April 2024, 19:38:34 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Official Data: 16 Times More Deaths Among Vaxxed Population
Frank Bergman
April 10, 2024

 am: 13. April 2024, 18:58:07 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99

Dr. Paul Thomas Hires Outside Firm to Track Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Kids
2,700 variably Vaccinated and 560 not Vaccinated. Then they were Age Matched and Compared.

Here are the Findings:

1. Asthma and Allergies Significantly increased in the Vaccinated. Off the Chart difference.

2. Eczema significantly was higher.

3. Sinusitis was significantly higher.

4. Gastroenteritis was significantly higher.

5. Respiratory Infections significantly higher. 6. Otitis Media - Middle Ear Infection was significantly higher.

7. Conjunctivitis - Eye Infections significantly higher.

8. Breathing issues significantly higher.

9. Behavioral issues significantly higher.

10. ADHD -- NONE in the Unvaccinated at all for 10 years in Dr. Thomas' practice.

As you see on the chart it is incredibly high which shows that there is something in these vaccines (Toxic Heavy Metals) that is causing ADHD.

The results were not even remotely close in comparison. It is a total knockout. If you listened to the TV Media you would think that results would be just the opposite of these findings.

There is a reason in 100 years of Vaccinating Children there has NEVER been retrospective studies.

Don’t you want to see 5, 10, 15 or even 20 year studies of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed? Wouldn’t that be VERY Helpful? Why has there never been any studies like this?

They would 100% PROVE without Shadow of a Doubt that not only do Vaccines NOT prevent infections and transmission but they are severely harming children – especially for Allergies, Middle Ear Infections, Autism, Breathing issues, Sinusitis, Respiratory Infections, Eye Infections, Gastroenteritis, Eczema and Behavioral issues.

IF Vaccines PREVENT Infections then why are infections Significantly Higher in all of Dr. Thomas' vaccinated children? These are serious life changing chronic conditions.

Vaccines shift the immune system to Allergy and Autoimmunity, and you have more and more infections of other kinds. In short, what does this mean? It means that Vaxcines DESTROY a Child’s Immune System, every vax is different with different live viruses and toxins and they will really hit a child with a weaker immune systems first.

Source: Jessica Rojas

 am: 13. April 2024, 14:31:16 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Zero guarantees, this was posted by someone at
This is the ONLY treatment method that is backed up by actual results. We can save your life, and we want to. -John
Aeon-213 Capsule Website:;
Republic Broadcasting Network Interviews Me - August 12, 2023;;

 am: 13. April 2024, 14:22:08 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Regarding the question why there were no lockdowns in Sweden someone wrote the following, also see the attached graphics about the situation in Sweden:
"The reason some Northern European countries didn't experience lockdown for the plandemic was they'd already voluntarily adopted #DigitalID and #CBDC, just like most of China. It's really going to come down to #LiveFreeOrDie when the WHO plandemic treaty is ratified."

 am: 12. April 2024, 00:12:51 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Die Top 5 LÜGEN der Regierung, entlarvt durch die RKI-Protokolle.
Maximilian Pütz

 am: 11. April 2024, 23:48:07 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
The self proclaimed father of the death jab (Trump) now turns out to be pro abortion or in other words, openly anti life.
Well, I guess promoting the death jab was "quite" anti life already - AFAIK he never stopped promoting the death jab and is still promoting it according to my information -, but this makes it very clear now.
By compromising on the issue of LIFE, Donald Trump and Kari Lake have now sealed the GOP’s doom as a viable conservative party; it may never recover.
After the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in support of a state law requiring the near total ban on abortions, both former President and 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and senatorial candidate Kari Lake came out with strong comments in opposition to the court’s ruling.
This has stunned and confused many Republicans who are pro life.

 am: 11. April 2024, 16:52:06 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
With considerably low efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” caused more deaths than saved lives, according to a new study whose researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from the childhood immunization schedule.
“... For every life saved, there were nearly 14X MORE DEATHS caused by the modified mRNA injections,” the study authors said.
The COVID shots have never been safe and effective.

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