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Update 26.07.2023 ACHTUNG mein Hoster hat vor kurzem ein merkwürdiges Problem "aus dem Nichts" erzeugt...Links enthalten beim ersten Laden einer Forums-Seite offenbar manchmal eine "PHP Session ID" mitten im Link (also im "Inline Link", also "von außen nicht sichtbar", außer, wenn man über den Link mit der Maus fährt), was dazu führt, dass man, wenn man auf einen solchen Link klickt, auf der Hauptseite des Forums oder wieder auf genau der Seite, von der man ausgegangen ist, landet, d.h. man wird im Kreis geschickt bzw. zur Hauptseite zurückgeführt und kommt nie zum Ziel-Link. Wenn das passiert, bitte die ganze Seite mit den defekten Links im Browser NEU LADEN, d.h. STRG + F5 drücken, bzw. STRG + R drücken, damit der Browser gezwungen wird, die Seite neu zu laden, dann verschwinden alle "PHP Session IDs" aus den Links und die Links auf der Seite funktionieren wieder ganz normal.

Update 26th of July 2023: A strange problem emerged out of the blue, probably caused by my current hoster...if links do not properly work, the reason probably is that a "PHP Session ID" is added to the link (for whatever reason), in this case, reload the page (CTRL + F5 or CTRL + R in most browsers) and the link will work properly again!! This only applies to links which lead to this forum here, all other links works, except links, as the old forwarding service does not exist anymore. You can learn how to easily repair links in the following link (see below).

Die im Forum an verschiedenen Stellen enthaltenen, nicht mehr funktionierenden Links - das war ein Weiterleitungsdienst, der leider seinen Betrieb komplett eingestellt hat - können folgendermaßen "repariert" werden:,1161.msg4069.html#msg4069

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Nachrichten - Medizinmann99

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A posting I found today on an alternative blockchain based social media:
Flowers for my sister,1289.msg9856.html#msg9856

Absolutely no guarantees, this posting mentions that "chlorophyll helps", as I guess it cannot do any harm and as this is the healing thread, I post it here:
Flowers for my sister. She died after taking the mRNA ’vaccine’.

”Chlorophyll helps.” I saw my dead sister in a dream after her death and she said those two words to me before I woke up. Actually, in my language, Finnish, the message was: ”leafgreen helps”. Maybe she meant the ’vaccine’ or maybe she meant our planet. I don’t know, but she was clearly upset.

It was not a happy dream. My sister was pale and crying. I believe the situation we humans are facing is very grave.

She was killed by the long-term effects of the mRNA toxic injections. She told me prior to her death that she had ”them all” because of her doctor’s recommendation. She took them in good faith, trusting the system because most people in my country are oblivious to dangers. She told me she couldn’t understand why she was so sick all the time all of a sudden when before, she didn’t ever get colds. It’s as if her immune system wasn’t functioning anymore. The symptoms she had prior to death included autoimmune problems, aggressive cancer, vanishing blood iron (down to 70) and electrolytes (lack of potassium and magnesium) which caused her heart to go into ventricular fibrillation in her sleep.

In essence, her heart stopped for over 14 minutes before she was brought back by a defibrillator. We thought her brain would never recover from the lack of oxygen, we were given zero chance, but she woke up the next day with her mind intact miraculously, razor-sharp.

I could have long conversations with her. It was as if she was sent back, on a mission. To give us love and maybe to show us that there are powers greater than we imagine and God is not happy with the situation how evil has taken over the Earth.

She would live for one month after recovering from heart failure. Then she got embolia, in other words *clots*, developing in her lungs. She received dissolving medicine but she lost her appetite and they refused to give her any intravenous nourishment. At the same time, as it later turned out, they gave her high doses of morphine on an empty stomach.

I believe the morphine killed her. The pain she had was pain from cranky joints from immobility, not cancer pains. I asked her before they gave her morphine if she had any pain and she said ”no” but they knocked her out with their ’medicines’ without our knowledge. She slept away after receiving a big dose of morphine and her breathing stopped.

After her death, there were long lines to all funeral services. And the statistics showed that the rate of the excess deaths reached the peak of 42% a few months after her death, to an immense silence from the official media.

I believe most of my comments get censored or hidden by platforms like Youtube. It’s the censorship-pharmaceutical-military-industrial complex, so I’m turning to places like Brighteon.

My sister’s neighbour also died within a day or two of taking the killer shot. I was told he died of the vaccine. The official line in my country (Finland) is that nobody has died of the mRNA injections. A big lie.

Additionally, a friend of mine developed a brain tumor after taking the injections but I gave her copious amounts of Greek mountain tea (Sideritis scardica, a detox and anti-inflammatory herb) and the tumor stopped growing and she’s feeling better.

Everybody I know seems to be having some kind of health problems if they took the injections. One person even got compensated for ’vaccine injury’ but she still continues to take the boosters. She’s a friend of my mother so I’m battling to convince my own mother not to take the killshots anymore. She wants to believe only in the positive things.

If they get away with this, what else do they have in store for us?

Thanks, I needed to get this off my chest without anybody censoring. I’m not giving medical advice for obvious legal reasons. I’m just telling what happened to my family and friends. There are countless similar tales by what I’ve seen. Some accounts are chillingly identical to what happened to my sister. I want to get the word out.

What do the RKI-Files really show?
RKI-Files are internal protocols of Germany’s Federal Health Agency. They were obtained through legal action under the Freedom of Information Act. The files show that politicians ordered the experts to make up stories and narratives so as to support the government’s preconceived measures.

Internally, RKI experts thought FFP2 masks were useless and believed that vaccines would not stop the virus spread. In the public, however, RKI vigorously advocated mask and vaccine mandates and discrimination of the unvaccinated.

RKI-Files (original source):$/

Wie viel Umweltverschmutzung (inklusive radioaktiver Verseuchung) ein einziges "emissionsfreies" E-Auto verursacht...

This is probably very good advice!

Great post shared by David Avocado Wolfe on Telegram.

I fear there is a lot of truth in that...
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2Th 2:10
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2Th 2:11
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2Th 2:12

I guess this is a VERY important piece and close to the truth - it seems that as a human, we simply can get used to something if it lasts years and years and years, especially in the "decisive years" of adolescence. It is like a kind of stockholm syndrome. Of course, thats not the only explanation for what happened in the last ca. 4 years, but I think it is an important part of the puzzle. I also do not mean this in the sense that this relieves the individual from his or her responsibility. But it is a mechanism which is most likely also at play here.

Aus anderem Forum, wohlgemerkt, Trump ist der selbsterklärte "Vater der Coronavirus-"Impfung" und hat die "Impfung" von Anfang an empfohlen und hält auch heute noch stur daran fest, d.h. weder Trump und schon gar nicht Biden ist zu trauen:
Die tödlichsten Impfstoffe wurden wohl, laut Artikel, in US Bundesstaaten verwendet in denen Republikaner, also potentielle Trump-Wähler, die Mehrheit sind, so daß die Chance höher war Tump-Wähler statt Biden-Wähler zu erwischen.

Ihre Studie ergab, dass ein 10-prozentiger Anstieg der republikanischen Stimmen auf Bundesstaatsebene mit einer erhöhten Wahrscheinlichkeit von Berichten über unerwünschte Ereignisse verbunden war. Dieser Zusammenhang zwischen politischer Neigung und Berichten über unerwünschte Ereignisse war bei Grippeimpfstoffen vergleichsweise wenig zu beobachten.

Die beunruhigenden Ergebnisse scheinen die Behauptungen eines ehemaligen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsleiters von Big Pharma zu bestätigen, der im vergangenen Jahr mutig an die Öffentlichkeit trat und zugab, dass die Industrie absichtlich einige Chargen in "schnelle Tötungslose" verwandelt hat, die darauf abzielen, die Zielgruppe zu entvölkern.

Fazit aus den Infos des Artikels: Wähler der 'falschen' Partei wurden bevorzugt umgebracht.

Russland hat einige der Geldgeber des Terroranschlags in der Moskauer Crocus City Hall inzwischen offenbar zurückverfolgt:
Money From Ukraine's Burisma Used for Terrorist Attacks in Russia - Moscow | 9 April 2024 | The Russian Investigative Committee announced on Tuesday that it has opened a criminal case against high-ranking officials from the U.S. and other NATO countries for financing terrorism following the deadly Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow. "It has been established that the funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the Burisma Holdings oil and gas company that is operating in Ukraine, have been used over the past few years to carry out terrorist acts in Russia, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage," the committee declared. Moreover, the committee is investigating the sources and transfer of several million d-llars as part of the opened criminal case, the statement read... The Ukrainian-based oil company mentioned by the Russian Investigative Committee is also known for its participation in the scandal around U.S. President [sic] Joe Biden's son Hunter.

About the useless and extremely dangerous "Paxlovid" "wonder" drug:
Pfizer And A Corruption Too Deep To Fix

What we have in operation here is a form of vampiric capitalism, an entire industry that has colonized our health and bodies in the interest of wealth extraction even though its products do not work and actually make us more sick...

Why would Pfizer choose just now to announce that its wonder drug is actually useless? My own theory: its accounting ledgers are showing that the drug’s period of high profitability is at an end. There’s no more high-margin profits associated with it. Might as well retire it.

Ein wie ich finde sehr passender Kommentar zum "interessanten Geschehen" in den letzten vier Jahren, eines wäre noch hinzuzufügen, die österreichische Bevölkerung hat Österreich schon 1994 verraten, bei der damaligen EU Abstimmung 1994 und das ist nun also schon ca. 30 Jahre her, so abgewirtschaftet, asozial und krank im Kopf waren z. Bsp. die lieben Österreicher schon damals, Österreich haben sie verraten und verkauft an irgendwelche ausländischen Mächte, und warum? Ganz einfach - aus GIER. Sie wollten den "Tausender", der ihnen von den lieben und schon damals meiner Meinung nach wunderbar korrupten Politikern versprochen worden war. Alles weitere ist Geschichte und wohlverdient haben sie dann nicht nur ihren heiligen "Tausender" (den Judaslohn könnte man auch sagen) nicht bekommen, sondern sie verarmten und verarmen immer schneller und schneller, bei immer weiter explodierenden Preisen, jetzt - heute - gehts diesbezüglich schon wirklich SEHR flott dahin. Hier der Kommentar:
Schauen Sie, wie wenig sich diese Bevölkerung in den letzten 20 Jahren um das politische Geschehen interessiert hat. Jetzt regiert das letzte Gesocks.
Nur der Lügner glaubt dem Lügner. Diese Nachkriegsbevölkerung ist voller Heimtücke, Ignoranz und Selbstgerechtigkeit. Die perfekten Impflinge. Die bekommen, was sie verdienen.
Das das jetzt so dicke und dicker kommen wird, war bereits vor 20 Jahren gut erkennbar. Aber da war man ja der Schwarzmaler. Viel Spaß in der Gülle, in die ihr euch alle selbst reingesetzt habt.

It did not go "as expected" for many, many millions worldwide IMHO...this DVD costs money (20 USD or so) though:
COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out under emergency use authorization after a much shorter than normal testing period.
Millions of people rolled up their sleeves because they were told they were doing their part to end the pandemic. But for some—it didn’t go as expected.

PEI Mitarbeiter PACKT AUS! - Alle Risiken wurden BEWUSST ignoriert!!!
Maximilian Pütz

Bomben-Studie: 27% der Saudis nach mRNA-COVID-Impfung mit Herzproblemen
John-Michael Dumais via The Defender   
April 5, 2024

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