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Autor Thema: Mögliche Hilfe bei HWS Beschwerden Kopfschmerzen Migräne etc. / Nackenübungen  (Gelesen 31798 mal)


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ACHTUNG KOPFSCHMERZEN HABEN SEHR VIELE MÖGLICHE URSACHEN das untige bezieht sich im Wesentlichen auf Geräte die möglicherweise Linderung bringen können deswegen heißt der Thread auch "Mögliche Hilfe bei HWS Beschwerden Kopfschmerzen..." usw. d.h. der Fokus hier ist auf derartigen Geräten. Diese rein physikalisch funktionierenden Geräte (z. Bsp. für den HWS Bereich / Nacken usw.) funktionieren natürlich nur wenn der Fehler wirklich in dem Bereich liegt, d.h. wenn dort eine mechanische Störung oder Verspannung vorliegt....

Es gibt dummerweise alle möglichen Gründe woran Kopfschmerzen liegen können hier z. Bsp. ist ein möglicher Grund:
siehe auch
d.h. Atlasposition prüfen lassen. Nur prüfen lassen kostet üblicherweise nichts (telefonisch vorher vereinbaren).

Bei vielen Leuten liegen die Kopfschmerzen auch ganz einfach an Flüssigkeitsmangel (das falsche trinken oder zu wenig).

Oder aber an einer Borreliose (siehe das Borreliose Unterboard in diesem Forum).

Oder an einer Schwermetallvergiftung. Oder an einem Lymphstau. Oder an allgemeiner Vergiftung. Oder an Umweltgiften in der Wohnung. Oder an falscher Ernährung. Oder an Darmdysbiose (Autointoxikation über den Darm). Oder an Vitamin/Mineralstoff/Enzym oder Fettsäurenmangel. Oder an Erdstrahlen oder EMF / HF Feldern am Schlafplatz. Etc. etc..

Es kann eben an allem möglichen liegen, d.h. man sollte sich daher so umfassend wie möglich über Gesundheitsthemen informieren, dazu habe ich hier ein Unterboard gemacht:
bzw. siehe auch das Schwermetallvergiftungs-Unterboard.

Hier also jetzt die oben angesprochenen Geräte, die MÖGLICHERWEISE eine Linderung bei Migräne / HWS Problemen bewirken können:
Originalzitat betreffend den Geräten:

das hier hab ich und ich finde das ist der knaller.....

es ist das erste bei mir seit jahren, was einen dramatischen unterschied macht.

das hier hab ich mir bestellt, ist aber noch nicht da:

gibts auch in europa:

ist aber viel teurer....

letztlich muss man halt schauen, woher was kommt, ne....

das buch hab ich auch geordert....

dieses amerikanische magnesium citrat soll auch der knaller aber was anderes wie das was man hier kaufen kann.....natural calm heisst bestimmt auch für dich persönlich interessant.

also nach mc carties liste (link der letzten mail) würde ich folgende reihenfolge vorschlagen.....teste das magnesium, wenns nix bringt.....dann naet (allergie)
evtl. dieses nackenteil (davon halt ich superviel, weils mir eben hilft, muss man testen)
und wenn alles nix hilft dann würde ich auf jeden fall ncr carty meint, ALLE kopfschmerz patienten die er untersuchte hatten blockierte schädelplatten.....
Da gibts ne Übung für den Nacken die vielleicht was bringt:
Weiters gibts wie ich gesehen habe homöopathische Mittel bzw. Kräutermischungen z. Bsp. das hier:
Hier gibts weitere:
Das sind alles Kräutermischungen bzw. homöopathische Sachen die darauf ausgelegt sind das Ganze zu stoppen etc..

Wie gesagt, ohne Gewähr! ;-)

Liebe Grüße

« Letzte Änderung: 16. August 2015, 12:37:23 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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#1 12.10.2007 01:14:20




hier mal ein paar links zu evlt. hilfreichen lösungen bei kopfschmerzen, die ich in der letzten woche so zusammengetragen habe....würde mich über erfahrungsberichte freuen, falls jemals jmd. schonmal was derartiges ausprobiert hat (was ich etwas bezweifle, wenn ich die beiträge hier im forum so lese). ich kann nicht zu allem was sagen, hab nicht alles ausprobiert. lasst euch nicht von der menge überfordern, wobei das wirklich nur die spitze des eisbergs ist (um nur mal ein paar ansätze zu der hier im forum mehrfach gestellten frage, "was kann man denn nun eigentlich tun, wenn einem niemand weiterhilft?", zu bringen):

[einige sachen gibt glaub ich leider leider nur in usa....aber vllt. kommt da ja jemand von euch hin oder lernt es und führt es in dtl., ihr könnt englisch, in dtl. stösst man mit tipps leider ganz schön schnell an grenzen]


traktionsgeräte: … evices.htm … relief.asp

übungen und videos: … bungen.htm … e.avi.html … mp;search= … ;plindex=4 … 2257975363 … _exercise/ … mp;search= … ;plindex=3 … mp;search=

vllt. hilfreiche websites: … raene.html

kostenlose bücher: … e_Cure.htm

bücher: … amp;sr=8-2 … amp;sr=8-2 … amp;sr=1-1

vortrag: … ;ID=183071

eine definitiv sehr effektive meditationsmethode bei kopfschmerzen: … osmic.html

(auch hier erwähnt):

ähm, wie wärs mit leberrreinigung:

wassertrinken soll wohl auch ein geheimtipp sein: … &Go=Go

naja, viel spass beim experimentieren....


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#2 12.10.2007 02:41:37


Re: tipps


also ein programm was eigentlich funktionieren sollte (zumindest in meinen kühnsten träumen :-), einfach weil ich nicht weiss, ob überhaupt jmd. so ernsthaft motiviert ist, an sich zu arbeiten) wäre folgendes:

trinkt jeden tag 10 gläser wasser (am besten gefiltert)
natur-öl ist auch wichtig (um übersäuerung natürlich abzupuffern)
chlorophyll haltigen gemüsesaft (auf basis von stangensellerie zb.)

gesunde ernährung (was auch immer das heissen mag.....müller-burzler zb. ist ne ganz gute adresse)

frische luft, licht und wasser (also jetzt körperpflege-maessig gemeint)

monatliche leberreinigung (evtl. auch andere reinigunskuren von organen wie darm, nieren....parasitenprogramme)

bewegung (laut diesem oben verlinkten vortrag sollen 2x wöchentlich schwitzen - für 30 minuten - ca. 80% jeglichen stresses verbrennen, der für verspannungen verantwortlich ist; wobei hier schwitzen ab dem zeitpunkt gemeint ist, wo man beginnt zu schwitzen: heisst, wenn man zb. 20 minuten joggt, um mit schwitzen zu beginnen, soll man 50 minuten joggen)

muskelaufbau (ich meine nicht im bodybuilder sinn, sondern eher im ausgewogenen sinn....wäre natürlich optimal, den ganzen körper gleichmaessig zu trainieren um ein optimales muskelgleichgewicht zu erlangen)

korrektur von fehlhaltungen (evtl. dorntherapie oder eine dieser hyper interessanten therapien wie ncr oder imt wie oben verlinkt)

emotionale ursachen forschung (was mit verschiedensten techniken möglich ist, wobei man aufpassen muss, das man sich hierbei nicht selbst verarscht......imho einer der schwierigsten aspekte, da rational nicht so greifbar, v.a. für kopfmenschen nicht, die ja für kopfschmerzen anfällig sind)

(was allerdings auch in die psych. ursachenforschung gibt ja auch theorien die behaupten, man brauch den ganzen kram den ich hier aufschreibe alles gar nicht, denn wenn man die seele heilt.....gehen eh alle krankheiten weg....gesegnet sind die, bei denen das funktioniert)

man könnte das jetzt ja mal als selbstanalyse zusammenfassen

positives denken? (wobei das auch tiefgreifender betrachtet werden muss, da man sich damit nicht vorhandene sachen schönreden sollte; es geht mehr um eine positive grundhaltung)

liebe? (liebe soll ja alles heilen können, und ohne liebe heilt sowieso coole sache hier ist imho das innere lächeln, eine entspannungsübung die man z.b. bei mantak chia oder meister zhi chang li findet, wie im übrigen auch den kleinen energiekreislauf auf den ich gleich noch komme)

und jetzt zum entscheidenden (elegantesten) teil: ENTSPANNUNG/(meditation?):

hier ist ein durchschlagender ansatz (zumindest meinem geschmack nach)....

man übt täglich qigong (gut wären 2 stunden)....gegliedert in gelenköffnungsübungen, bewegtes qigong, stilles qigong, stille meditation.
man könnte z.b. eine einfach qigong form erlernen, wie z.b. 8 brokate (naja, es gibt 10000 verschiedene formen), was man ungefähr 2/3 der übungszeit übt, dananch praktiziert man den kleinen energiekreislauf, evlt. abschliessend stille meditation
hier muss allerdings dazu gesagt werden, dass dafür (für den kleinen energiekreislauf) oft erstmal nötig ist, sich richtig entspannen zu können (bk frantzis's methoden sind dafür sehr gut....hier lernt man erstmal seinen körper zu spüren, energieblockaden auflzulösen und eine natürliche bauchatmung wieder herzustellen/ den geist zu beruhigen....tiefer geht die methode dann auch an die emotionen, womit einer der obigen punkte abgedeckt wäre)
wenn man allerdings in der lage ist eine übung wie den kleinen kreislauf ohne komplikationen zu praktizieren, dürften kopfschmerzen nicht mehr lange anhalten.

gut sind auch (selbst)massage techniken im anschluss.

wenn man das jeden tag 2 stunden durchzieht, kombiniert mit diesen nackenübungen wie z.b. in den obigen youtube videos oder in dem buch von egoscue sollte man den kopfschmerz ziemlich schnell beikommen.

evtl. könnte man das durch traktiontherapie unterstützen (hab ich aber selbst noch nie getestet, zumindest nicht mit den obigen geräten.....traktionsmassage aus der physiotherapie war bei mir damals eine der einzigen sachen die linderung brachte, weswegen ich diese home traktions geräte interessant finde....ursächlich wirken diese allerdings nur bei einem fehlen der natürlichen halswirbelsäulenlordose.....aber welchem chron. kopfschmerzpatient interessiert schon die wahre ursache, wenn er von seinen kopfschmerzen befreit wird? perspektivisch betrachtet ist es schon wichtig irgendwann mal die ursache rauszufinden, aber ich kann auf jeden fall alle verstehen, die irgendwann an kopfschmerzen verzweifeln und gar keinen bock mehr haben irgendwas zu machen und einfach nur mal wieder schmerzfrei sein wollen, hierbei könnten diese geräte echt hilfreich sein, imho)

ok, also wer das ganze obige programm durchzieht ( und immer noch kopfschmerzen hat, der kann das ja hier posten, dann können wir ja weitersuchen.....fraglich ist eher, ob überhaupt jmd. die courage besitzt, das durchzuziehen.
schön an all den sachen die ich aufgelistet habe ist, dass man so gut wie gar nicht auf andere leute angewiesen ist und "alles" (beachte das "alles" in gänsefüßchen) selber machen kann...das erfordert allerdings ein gutes mass an eigenverantwortung....was allerdings vorrausetzung für eine gute gesundheit ist oder zumindest sein sollte.

in diesem sinne

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#3 28.10.2007 23:44:53


Re: tipps


hier ist ein cooler beitrag, der einigen leuten helfen könnte, die lust haben, wirklich was für sich zu tun. es ist ne email antwort die ich bekommen hab, leider (für manche wahrscheinlich......aber, wer wirklich eigenverantwortung übernehmen will usw......) wieder in englisch.

zunächste würden mich aber feedbacks interessieren, ob das, was ich hier poste, überhaupt jmd. interessiert. mir würde ja schon einer reichen. in diesem forum hier wird nämlich so gut wie nie gepostet. zwar schauen sich ja angeblich viele leute die treads an, aber ich weiss ja nicht, wer sie wirklich liest. also, wenns ihr das hier für hilfreich haltet, sagts einfach mal, bitte.

ich finde nämlich diese hinweise überaus hilfreich, nur ich weiss nicht wieviele leute damit überhaupt was anfangen bzw. was für sich selbst tun wollen.
die meisten leute hier posten nur über medikamente, was DEFINITIV nicht die lösung für das problem sein kann.

oder es werden fragen gestellt, wie sie ihr kopfschmerz-problem lösen können......wobei sie sich anscheinend nicht die treads durchlesen, sondern nur ihre frage stellen und ne persönliche antwort erhoffen........tja, so einfach ist das nicht leute...........verantwortung bedeutet eben auch eigenarbeit......musste ich auch erst lernen........aber wenn ihr wirklich wollt, kriegt ihr das auch hin.

hier mal ein paar links, die euch beim folgenden artikel vllt. helfen..... … amp;sr=8-1 … gy+Routine … Heaven+and

und hier der artikel:

Please read the Disclaimer Statement (at end of copy) first.  If you do not already have Donna's Energy Medicine book, you may wish to purchase it to help you understand and do the suggestions in the reply.  I hope it is of help to you.

Dear ___________,

Katrina forwarded to me your letter about Energy
Medicine approaches for migraine headaches.  Since you
indicate that you are just suspecting that you might
have migraines, I thought it might be of benefit to
tell you a bit about what migraines are.  That way,
you will have a better understanding of how Energy
Medicine might help.

Migraine is actually a chronic condition of recurrent
attacks. Most (but not all) migraine attacks are
associated with headaches. Migraine headaches are
described as an intense throbbing or pounding pain
that typically involves one temple, although the pain
can also be located in the forehead, around the eye,
or the back of the head. The pain usually is on one
side of the head (unilateral), although about a third
of the time the pain can be on both sides of the head
(bilateral). The unilateral headaches typically change
sides from one attack to the next. In fact, unilateral
headaches that always occur on the same side should
alert the doctor to consider a secondary cause for the
headache. A migraine headache can be aggravated by
simple daily activities like walking upstairs, but
there are also many suspected triggers thought to
cause migraines, including, as you wisely suspected,

Technically, a migraine trigger is any factor that
causes a headache in individuals who are prone to
develop headaches. Only a small proportion of migraine
sufferers, however, clearly can identify triggers.
Examples of triggers include stress, sleep
disturbances, fasting, hormones, bright or flickering
lights, odors, cigarette smoke, alcohol, aged cheeses,
chocolate, monosodium glutamate, nitrites, aspartame,
and caffeine. For some women, the decline in the blood
level of estrogen during the onset of menstruation is
a trigger for migraine headaches. The interval between
exposure to a trigger and the onset of headache varies
from hours to two days. Exposure to a trigger does not
always lead to a headache. Conversely, avoidance of
triggers cannot completely prevent headaches.
Different migraine sufferers respond to different
triggers, and any one trigger will not induce a
headache in every person who has migraine headaches.

There are many other physiological responses that
accompany migraine headaches.  These include nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, facial pallor, cold hands, cold
feet, and sensitivity to light and sound. As a result
of this sensitivity to light and sound, migraine
sufferers usually prefer to lie in a quiet, dark room
during an attack. A typical attack lasts between 4 and
72 hours.

Current medical thought is that migraine headaches are
caused by a combination of enlargement of blood
vessels and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers
that coil around these blood vessels. During a
migraine attack, the arterial blood vessels that lie
on the outside of the skull just under the skin of the
temple become enlarged, and this enlargement stretches
the nerves that coil around these vessels, causing the
nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause
inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the
arteries. The increasing enlargement of the arteries
magnifies the pain.

Another important factor in understanding and
addressing migraines is that migraine attacks commonly
activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body.
The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as
the part of the nervous system that controls primitive
responses to stress and pain, the so-called "fight or
flight" response. The increased sympathetic nervous
activity in the intestine causes nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea. Sympathetic activity also delays emptying of
the stomach into the small intestine and thereby
prevents oral medications (the current best allopathic
treatment and prevention approach) from entering the
intestine and being absorbed. The impaired absorption
of oral medications is a common reason for the
ineffectiveness of medications taken to treat migraine
headaches. The increased sympathetic activity also
decreases the circulation of blood, and this leads to
pallor of the skin as well as cold hands and feet. The
increased sympathetic activity also contributes to the
sensitivity to light and sound, as well as blurred

It may be apparent to you in what I have just covered
regarding migraines that there is no firm agreement in
traditional medicine as to what truly “causes”
migraine headaches or how best to treat them.  Because
of this, and also because of how effective and safe it
is in general, Energy Medicine is a great way to
address migraine headaches.  Specifically, the goal
becomes working to balance all of your energies such
that your body is stable and better able to respond to
whatever you encounter during your day (especially
those activities or substances which might be
“triggers” for your migraines).  As you know,
improvements in energy flow will lead to improvements
in many of the physical and psychological aspects of
the person, as well.

First, I would suggest that you begin by making sure
that your energies are flowing in a balanced and
organized fashion in your body.  In general, the best
way to do this is to make the Daily Energy Routine a
part of your life, if you haven’t already.  This
wonderful series of energy exercises is summarized on
page 86 of Energy Medicine, and the specific exercises
listed there are all described in Chapter 3.  To that
list, you might also want to add two additional
exercises which are good at activating energies called
the Strange Flows (Donna also calls them Radiant
Circuits).  These energies can be fantastic for
building the sense of joy and excitement that is
important for a full and active life.  The two
exercises to add to your Daily Energy Routine to help
activate the Strange Flows are both in Energy
Medicine.  They are called "Separating Heaven and
Earth" (on page 248) and "Heaven Rushing In" (on page

At a meridian level, there are two specific meridians
which can contribute to or be implicated in migraine
headaches.  These are Triple Warmer and Gallbladder.

As you know from Chapter 8 of Energy Medicine, Triple
Warmer meridian is responsible for keeping us alive.
It directly affects the “fight or flight” response
cycle associated with the sympathetic nervous system.
When Triple Warmer is overactivated, many other
meridians (including Gallbladder) also become out of
balance, so it is very important to keep Triple Warmer
balanced when addressing migraine headaches.  Because
of the stress of modern daily life, Triple Warmer can
keep all of our energies at a heightened state of
alert.  To help with this, you might want to sedate
Triple Warmer twice a day using the acupressure points
found on page 122 of Energy Medicine.   There are also
several additional quick ways to sedate Triple Warmer
discussed in Energy Medicine beginning on page 235.
You might want to try them on a regular basis.

The other meridian that can contribute to migraines is
Gallbladder meridian.  If you look on page 106 of
Energy Medicine, you will see that the Gallbladder
meridian begins right at the temples and flows in many
places around the side of the head before moving into
the torso, hip and leg area.  Imbalances in this
meridian, especially too much energy, energy not
moving, or energy moving sluggishly, can contribute to
migraine headaches.   Hence, one successful way to
help lessen the frequency of migraine headaches is to
keep the energy in Gallbladder meridian calmed down.
This can be accomplished by sedating the Gallbladder
meridian twice a day.  The sedating points for
Gallbladder are found on page 122 of Energy Medicine,
and the technique for using these points begins on
page 118.

Occasionally, in people with severe migraines,
Gallbladder meridian itself is already too reactive,
and working with it, even to sedate it, can actually
increase the energy flowing through it.  The way you
would know this would be if you sedated Gallbladder
and it brought on a migraine or made an existing one
worse.  If this is the case, it is best to try
controlling Gallbladder through the energy rhythms
that affect it.  On page 210 of Energy Medicine is a
figure that shows the interaction of each of the five
rhythms that Donna describes in Chapter 7.
Specifically, you will see a line with an arrow
pointing from the rhythm of Autumn to the rhythm of
Spring.  In the model of the Five Rhythms, Autumn
helps to control Spring, so if you work with the
meridians in Autumn, you can effect the meridians in
Spring.  Gallbladder meridian, as you can see on that
figure, sits in Spring.  So, if you are unable to work
directly with Gallbladder meridian, try either
sedating Large Intestine meridian or strengthening
Lung meridian.  The acupressure points for these
meridians are found on pages 120 to 124 in Energy
Medicine.  An exercise that will also help you move
gallbladder energy out is on page 219 of Energy
Medicine.  It is called “Expelling the Venom.”

Another way to help bring balance to the body and
these meridians is by working with the Neurovascular
points as shown on page 217 of Energy Medicine.  These
points, when held lightly, can help bring balance to
the brain’s blood supply, among other things.  You
might try holding the points for Spring along with the
main points (shown in the center of Figure 39 – Donna
calls these the “Oh My God” points).  Hold these
together, lightly, for several minutes.  You can use
this opportunity to imagine any specific stresses that
you think might be contributing to your migraines, as
holding these points while thinking of a stress can
decrease the power that stress has over you and your
body.  Eventually, if you do this technique regularly,
you will be able to think of the stress and it will
not effect you.

Finally, another energy system you might consider
working with is the chakra system.  Chapter 5 of
Energy Medicine covers the chakras.  Because the
chakras both generate and store energy, it is not
uncommon for energies to build up in them.  Clogged
energies in these fields can lead to pain and
discomfort in the physical body.  Repeated cleansing
and balancing of the chakras will release these built
up energies, as well as help with any emotions
associated with these energies.  The technique to
cleanse and balance the chakras is covered on page 167
of Energy Medicine.  You can work on your chakras
yourself, or have a friend do this for you so that you
can relax and enjoy the experience.  Many people
believe that chakra work is some of the most powerful
work in Energy Medicine.  Also of note for you might
be the box on page 138 and 139 in the chapter on
chakras.  It describes the Isometric Headache Press,
which if done on a regular basis, can also help with

From an energy perspective, symptoms can be caused by
many different imbalances in one’s energy systems.
Because of this, what has been offered here has been,
by nature, rather general.   To identify specific
energy imbalances in your system, you might want to
seek the advice of a qualified energy practitioner who
can evaluate your particular energy system’s strengths
and vulnerabilities and formulate an individualized
energy treatment protocol that builds on the strengths
and corrects where there are vulnerabilities.  Some
suggestions for locating a practitioner can be found

There is a great deal of information here. The best
way to work with all of it is to start a little bit at
a time, go slowly and stay with it.  The most
important part of energy work is to do whatever
exercises you select on a regular basis.  In Energy
Medicine, persistence pays.  It is usually not a
one-time treatment like surgery.  Instead, it requires
repetition, as you are establishing new habits in your
energy systems.  With most of the methods, you will
probably feel at least some subtle changes within a
few days, but that is not the time to stop.  That is
the time to continue until the new pattern is
established.   Because migraines can become an
ingrained energetic and physiological pattern, it
might be months before you would see a change there,
but remember, the energy work you are doing on a daily
basis will be contributing to the overall health and
functioning of your whole being.

We wish you great success with your Energy Medicine

Vicki, for the Energy Medicine Institute

QUESTION:  Regarding Migraines


Letters obviously do not give any health practitioner
a basis for making a firm assessment or formulating a
cure.  Hands-on care is an essential part of effective
treatment. The spirit of this reply is educational
rather than an attempt to provide a substitute for
treatment. It shows you how to think about applying
energy medicine to a particular problem area. While a
great deal can be accomplished on a self-help basis,
we encourage you to see a qualified health
professional to discuss any persistent symptoms or
conditions of concern. In addition, please see the
"Practitioners and Links" section of for suggestions on finding a health
care professional whose perspective includes an
understanding of the dynamics of energy in achieving
and maintaining health.

Two ambiguities that are important to understand are
that  the terms "assessment" and "treatment" within
energy medicine have different meanings than they have
within conventional medicine. The focus of energy
medicine is not on symptoms or illness; the focus is
on keeping the body’s energy system strong, vital,
harmonious, healthy. Assessment is of the energy
system, not of the illness. Symptoms may provide clues
about where the energy system needs attention, but
they are not the focus. Similarly, treatment is not
the treatment of symptoms or illness, it is the
treatment of the energy system. These distinctions are
vital because they show you a fundamentally different
way of thinking about health and illness, built on a
paradigm that directs your attention to the energetic
foundation of staying healthy.

The techniques suggested here may be used along with
conventional medical treatments and will generally
complement them. It is important that your health care
professional know what other interventions you are
using. Also, by utilizing this free service, you
acknowledge that you understand these disclaimers and
that you release and hold the Energy Medicine
Institute and its affiliates harmless from any claims
arising from your use of the service. Finally, because
the questions we are asked are for the most part asked
by people who have read Donna’s book or been to one of
her classes, the answers assume that you have access
to and familiarity with the book Energy Medicine.


    * Zitieren

#4 29.10.2007 00:02:55


Re: tipps

2 produkte, die ich oben noch nicht erwähnt hab, die ich aber für evtl. effektiv halte sind diese hier:

ne deutsche seite die ich grad gefunden habe:

ansonsten interessante produkte in dieser richtung: … _units.cfm    

(unter : "cervical traction" findet ihr haufenweise dieser china produkte, keine ahnung wie "scheisse" oder gut die sind)

vllt. ist schröpfen des angulus superior (oberer innerer schulterblattwinkel) auch benefitual: das ist der, der so knüppelhart ist, bei kopfschmerzpatienten .........falls ihr nicht wisst wovon ich rede: … apulae.jpg

(oder sonst irgendwelcher punkte: zb.: )

bei sonstigen problemen könnte ihr aber auch gerne IMMER hier


    * Zitieren

#5 29.10.2007 00:18:13


Re: tipps

naja, falls ihr fragen habt usw.....

[email protected]

    * Zitieren

#6 29.10.2007 00:31:26


Re: tipps

also, nur ums vorweg zu sagen........ich will hier für niemanden werbung machen. UND: ihr seit für euch selbst verantwortlich und der ganze recht-absicherungs-kram.....

auch dies ist ne email, die ich bekommen hab, die vllt. für irgendwen in frage kommen könnte (der geld hat.....*grins*)

ich find ja, es hört sich spannend an

........trotzdem würde mich nach wie vor euer feedback interessieren ob ich weitermachen soll..........weil, wenn eh keiner bis hierher gelesen hat, kann ichs mir auch sparen, den kram hier zu posten...:

There are NOT any NCR doctors in Germany unfortunately.

I believe that you can still be helped.

The advanced cranial work will unlock the skull plates and restore the slight flexion and motion that is supposed to occur in your sutures. As I examine your skull, I will be able to see where your skull is locked up and which head positions cause your brain to feel unstable.

Headaches are not new and there is a solution that works to give long term relief. The only problem is that the doctors are only using what they have been taught in school and are not up to date on the new research of what is working.

Research over the last 10 years has revealed that 98% of all headaches are a result of Areas of High and Low Pressure within the Cerebro Spinal Fluid which causes sections of the Brain to Dehydrate and results in Abnormal Brain Chemistry.  The areas of high pressure within the spinal fluid compresses the blood vessels causing loss of oxygen and glucose to the brain.

Of course, this causes the muscles of your neck to work very hard to support a skull that is out of balance and can cause CHRONIC MUSCLE SPASMS in your neck and shoulders.

The compressed sphenoid and temporal bones also affect the middle and inner ear. This can cause ear pain to develop.

The fastest way to get long term relief from your headaches and restore normal brain chemistry is a therapy called Neuro Cranial Restoration.  Once the pressure is removed off of the brain, normal brain chemistry can be maintained by diet and exercise.

Neuro Cranial Restoration (NCR) helps to restore normal brain chemistry by removing the abnormal pressure of the skull that is compressing various lobes of the brain.

I do NOT do surgery.  I am not a surgeon. I am a chiropractor with special training on "Advanced Cranial Work".

There is NO NEED for you to be in such pain. Most of my patients begin to see results and begin to feel better with the first 8 treatments (two series).

The first day, I would examine your skull not with x-rays, CAT Scans, and MRIs, but with my hands and also with specific Neurologic Reflex tests that are designed to show me how fast your brain is reacting to gravity and how quickly the left side of your brain is talking to the right side of your brain.

The first portion of the examination will reveal how many and which of your sutures and skull plates are locked up in the wrong position and will give me an estimate of how many series that you need.

The second portion of the examination will test for 78 different treatment patterns that could be unstable. Each unstable treatment pattern requires 1 treatment to correct the unstable pattern. This gives us a better indication of how many individual treatments that will be required in order to correct your problem.

This examination shows me which Nerve Tracts of YOUR brain are dehydrated and are slowing brain function. It also shows me which head positions are causing the brain to feel unstable and are causing pressure to build up inside the spinal fluid and  causing YOUR Headaches.

The treatments are done in groups of four treatments which are referred to as one series.

This examination allows me to zero in on YOUR PROBLEM AREAS and AVOID OVER TREATMENT therefore Getting Quicker Results and Saving You Money.

This is all done by physical examination of the head. (No costly MRI or Cat Scan or X-rays) There are 78 individual patterns that must be checked and corrected.

Correcting your Muscle Spasms and Headaches would be a PROCESS...not an overnight cure as I'm sure that you are aware.

After I examine your skull to find out how many Treatment Patterns are unstable, then we begin treatment.

First I do the deep muscle work, then the light muscle work from Australia, then the massage of the skull plates along the sutures, then I remove pressure on the brain stem, and finally I place a little instrument with a balloon in your nose and put air into it for 2-5 seconds. The air in the balloon will move the bones (incrementally) into their correct position.

Half of the people that I work with say that it feels like they jumped into the pool and got water up their nose (uncomfortable but not a big deal). The other half say that it feels like very intense pressure and hurts for the 2-5 seconds. They even hear the cartilage and small bones in the nose move and say that is sounds like an old rusty gate being pried open (very uncomfortable but tolerable because it is only for 2- 5 seconds).

I tell patients that They Will Not "LIKE" The Treatment But That They Will "LOVE" The Results.

Each series of treatments is four days and the treatments are “normally” scheduled about a month apart. Each patient is different and in certain circumstances the treatments should be done closer together.

Treatments last about 1 hour to 1 ½ hours in the beginning and about 45 minutes  as treatment progresses.  With patients who are from out of state many times we will do two series "back to back". In other words, eight treatments in eight days or compress it into eight treatments in four days. Then we usually wait three to four weeks before doing more therapy in order to allow the spinal fluid to begin to do its work.

Insurance usually covers at 70% if we use a diagnosis of "Headaches. This keeps the coverage under Major Medical and Chiropractic.

We usually have about 6-8 Headache patients per week that we work with and we could handle about 10 per week so getting in with about a week or two notice is USUALLY no problem but some weeks are booked more solid than others.

During the last seven years, I have combined EIGHT different "non-surgical" therapies that are completely curing the Headaches for 80% of the headache patients within six months.

20% of the patients are requiring 6-12 months of therapy because of extenuating circumstances such as scarring within the Central Nervous System (Brain and Spinal Cord) from severe tailbone injuries or from severe viral infections in the past or emotional reactions from old trauma.

About "1 out of 20" people have a slight nosebleed. They blow their nose 2-3 times and it stops. About "1 out of 100" will have more of a nose bleed and we then have to use smaller balloons and "baby" them a bit. [This may extend the average length of treatment to longer than six months as we allow the blood vessels time to rehydrate.]

For some people, Emotional trauma from past experiences may occasionally surface during the treatment and this can extend the original estimation of length of treatment.

As I unlock the skull bones and remove the pressure on the brain, the circulation to the brain is increased and your memory will improve. About "1 out of 50" people have old memories that contain old emotional issues that were suppressed. If you are one of these people who has suffered a lot of “victim abuse” then your subconscious will process  this old emotional trauma usually in one week or less. Then you will feel much lighter but you may have a good cry during that day or two while your brain processes the old emotional baggage.

For the majority of people we are able to restore the proper flow of the spinal fluid and get rid of the Headaches in six months or less. After this, diet and exercise will usually maintain normal brain chemistry.

I have found that if I combine EIGHT different Headache techniques that I get faster and longer lasting results. So far I am the only doctor who has specialized in Headaches who is using these EIGHT techniques. They work together very well and the results last.

1. Nimmo Technique-deep muscle work along the spine developed by Dr. Ray Nimmo, a chiropractor, which breaks up lactic acid in the muscles and increases blood flow and oxygen thereby helping the muscles to relax.

2. Bowen (Neuro Structural Integration Technique)-Very light muscle work designed to relax the muscles of the spine, neck, and face even further so that they do not pull the bones back out of place. The Bowen work has its own protocol for helping the Headaches.. Developed by Tom Bowen of Australia who was an osteopathic type of therapist.

3. Cranial Sutural Spread- regular cranial work that feels like I am massaging the scalp where the bones of the skull come together. This promotes the flow of the cerebro spinal fluid in and around the brain.

4. Crane Condyle Lift (levels one and two)-developed by three generations of chiropractors in the Crane family. It is designed to remove pressure off of the brain stem and TURN THE POWER BACK ON TO YOUR BRAIN. Dr. Virgil Crane is now retired.

5. Cranial Lift-very gentle lifting of the head with patient laying face up with light pressure laterally on the underside of the skull to increase blood flow to the brain by relaxing spasms in the "Vertebro/Basilar Artery" which supplies blood to the brain.

6. Reset jaw muscle (Masseter) spindle fibers-very gentle massage of the major jaw muscles that allow you to chew.      

7. NCR (Neuro Cranial Restoration) and NCR Massage-uses a small instrument that looks like what is used for "angioplasty". It is a blood pressure cuff with a finger cot (small balloon) attached that is placed into the nose (turbinate bones) and inflated with air for about 2-5 seconds. The balloon then opens the cartilage at the back of the nose and allows you to breathe better. It also "begins the process" of restoring the subtle motion of the skull bones that is supposed to happen when you breathe air in. Recent research, done at my clinic in August 2004, has allowed for FINE TUNING of this “Advanced Skull Work” by checking for 78 treatment patterns. This work is NOT presently being done by any other doctors trained in NCR. Each of the 78 different patterns that are unstable must be corrected

8. Atlanto/Occipital Restoration-(Ligament Resetting)-light pressure applied behind the ear (bottom of the skull) and to the upper bone in the neck while rotating your head throughout its range of motion during inspiration and expiration to remove stress off of a VERY IMPORTANT ligament that acts like a guy wire to support the skull.

I have seen the Headaches correct itself many times by the use of Nimmo, Bowen Therapy (Neuro Structural Therapy), Cranial Sutural Spread, Crane Condyle Lift, Atlanto/Occipital Restoration, Masseter Muscle Spindle Restoration and Neuro Cranial Restoration which each have their own method of correcting the Headaches, we have a 80% success rate correcting Headaches completely within six months.

The cost of treatment will vary according to the number of skull plates that are locked up and how many of the 78 treatment patterns that show to be “unstable”. The average length of time needed for 8 out of 10 patients is about 24-30 individual treatments or 6-7 series of four day treatments.

The exam is $250.00 and the first four days of treatment are $750.00. That includes the all four days of the “Soft Tissue Work” and all four days of the Neuro Cranial Restoration. Each additional series is $750.00.

The average scenario for 80% of the Headache patients would be that all six major plates are locked and therefore six series of treatments would be needed. That would cost a total of $4,750.00 spread out over six months.

About 20% of the headache patients have extenuating circumstances that require slightly more treatments.

NCR is not a panacea treatment that gets rid of every ache or pain from head to toe however it does address and normalize brain chemistry which controls all hormonal and body functions.

Most of our patients get reimbursed 70% from their insurance companies. Each series (four days) is paid for when it is received.

The cerebro Spinal Fluid acts like hydraulic fluid and once the locked up skull joints are unlocked then the spinal fluid begins to push the bones and cartilage into their proper position. They tend to stay in the right place unless you receive a new injury.

It Is A Good Idea To Get Your Skull Checked 2 Times per Year (just like having your teeth cleaned) To Catch Any Problems Early Before They Have A Chance To Develop Into Major Health Problems.

[Once you have completed our program, then all re-exams are FREE to You AND Your Family. Be sure and ask about our FAMILY DISCOUNTS]

The sinuses and the skull plates shift with barometric pressure changes.Many headaches flare up the day before it snows or rains.

Our clinic is in Denver, Colorado and is the only Headache Clinic in the United States that uses these EIGHT techniques. I am the ONLY doctor in the United States trained in all these therapies. We have a 80% success rate in getting rid of Headaches in six months. It Is Correctable!!!

About 3/4 of my patients are from "out of state". They drive or fly into Denver. About 90% of them stay at the hotel directly across the street from my clinic. They give our patients a discounted rate of $40.00 per night. RAMADA INN 303-721-1144

The patients stay for 4 days and most of them do two series of treatments (8 treatments) in four days. Each treatment lasts about one hour. In the beginning closer to 1 1/2 hours each. This allows me to unlock two skull sutures on 80% of the Headache patients.

All headache patients are low in Magnesium and Antioxidants and need a special type of magnesium so that it can be easily absorbed along with High Antioxidants. It Is Correctable!

There are four lobes of the brain and each one makes a different type of brain chemical. The frontal lobe and the parietal lobes act like an accelerator to make the brain to work faster. The temporal lobes and the occipital lobe act like a brake to help the brain organize information and rest. Each lobe has a specific brain wave associated with it. [Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta]

The frontal lobe makes a chemical called "dopamine". This makes the brain work faster and keeps you awake and alert. It also helps you to feel like you can overcome any obstacle or challenge in your life. This chemical can become depleted when people are under stress are not exercising. Cocaine use seriously depletes dopamine.

The parietal lobes make a chemical called "acetylcholine" which helps your memory and is how one nerve sends a nerve impulse to another nerve. Without enough acetylcholine the brain slows down. The left side of your brain cannot communicate fast enough with the right side of your brain. Acetylcholine is depleted if people take speed (amphetamines).

The temporal lobes make a chemical called GAMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID. "G.A.B.A.” helps you to deal with stress and balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Without enough of this chemical, your brain will feel like sparklers or firecrackers are going off inside the brain. This is the nerves of your brain not getting the proper message to the correct portion of your brain. Therefore your body does not respond when and how you want it to.

The occiput makes serotonin which also helps us to rest and sleep along with sexual functioning. It also deals with stress, digestion, and ability to let your mind rest and not race.
Day to day stresses can "burn up" these chemicals faster than you can make them especially when the skull plates are "locked".

We are finding that the work that I do to unlock the skull plates makes a direct improvement on brain chemistry.

There is a very good book written by an MD that is written in plain English for the non medically trained person. It is called "The Edge Effect" and it may give you other clues about things that you can do to improve your health problems.

You could get more information by going on line to Google and searching for "brain electrical activity map". (B.E.A.M.) Go on line and look up "Eric Braverman, MD"

My intention is to help heal as many patients as I can. Although I have had remarkable success, I cannot make any guarantees. Each patient and each situation is different. If you continue to treat Headaches with the traditional approach, then you will get traditional results. My approach is quite different. Dr. Jim McCarty, D.C.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you. If you have any more questions, you can e-mail me or call 1-877-499-5033 Toll Free

Dr. Jim McCarty  1-877-499-5033 Toll Free or 720-200-9317
7350 East Progress Place Suite 216
Greenwood Village, Co  80111

In Denver, near the corner of I-25 and Belleview
Next to Pappadeaux’s Restaurant
25 minutes from Denver International Airport

Go back to my web site at and
1. Read the TMJ page
2. Read the Testimonial page
3. Read the NCR page
4. Listen to the FREE 90 minute radio interview about the treatment  It will take up to 18 minutes to download if you have “dial up access”. It is well worth listening to. (If you need to get some water or go to the bathroom, then hit the minimize button and the interview will pause. When you are ready to come back and listen, then hit the maximize button and the interview will pick up where it left off.)
5. Read the articles from the local newspaper about our clinic
6. Read the headache page.
7.There is also another radio interview at
This interview is older and the phone number was our old number in Dallas. Our new number is 720-200-9317
8. Call to schedule an appointment or ask more questions about your situation.


    * Zitieren

#7 29.10.2007 16:05:01


Re: tipps

hier sind noch mehr selbstmassage-produkte, wovon viele leute begeistert sind: … &Go=Go

eins davon kann man auch in deutschland/europa beziehen:

und das hier ist so ein teil, welches oben in einem der youtube videos erwähnt wird, im zusammenhang mit cranio-sacral-therapie (2 tennisbälle in ner socke tuns aber hier vllt. auch schon):

viel spass

Say Goodbye to


Until now, the only option available for this problem was time consuming and costly, and 92% of the time, it didn’t work.

22% of the Population in the U.S. suffers from severe Migraine Headaches. And 25% more suffer from chronic headache pain! Statistics reveal that each sufferer of acute and chronic headache pain spends an average of $1,500 per year seeking relief from their pain. U.S. Industry loses 50 billion a year due to reduced mental concentration, reduced motor skills, increased medical costs, and absenteeism caused by headache pain. Employers lose over $3,000 each year per headache sufferer through additional medical costs effects on co-workers, and lost work time. Donald Dalessio M.D. believes one-third of all work days lost may be due to headache pain.

   The typical headache sufferer follows a predicable path   that leads him to believe that no cure exists. Once the pain becomes unbearable, the sufferer heads to the family doctor. This begins a chain of attempted cures that can include Headache Specialists, Neurologists, CAT scans, EEG tests, and prescription drugs. These methods almost always fail because they never address a cure; instead they only treat the symptoms.

   The sufferer then looks for other, more non­traditional options. Because of the excruciating pain, they are willing to try almost anything, including herbs, special diets, oxygen, hyperthermic ozone steam cabinets, acupuncture, holistic healing, and prayer. Finally, many begin to believe that, “It’s all in your head; just will it away.” When all known potential cures are exhausted, many sufferers even have thoughts of suicide.

"How To Eliminate

The Twelve Causes of Your Headaches"

New Research Reveals That Headache and Migraine Pain Have Two

Major Causes; Dehydration of the Brain and Compression of the Skull.

  I Treat Your Headache  By  Curing The problem,

Not Treating Your Symptom.

1. Magnesium Deficiency

Severe magnesium deficiency (ionic) is found in 42% of all Migraine sufferers and 50% in Cluster headaches. Stress increases excretion of magnesium. Low magnesium  increases  substance   P   (a  pain neurotransmitter)  which     constricts  blood vessels in the brain. Low magnesium causes high calcium, high sodium, and low potassium.                  

2. Calcium     Overload

Too much calcium causes hardening of the arteries and constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. It also causes muscles to tense up. This results in throbbing and pounding type of headaches.                                                            

3. Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to food and environmental toxins cause release of histamine resulting in swelling, water retention, and headaches. When the body cannot breakdown a substance it stores it in joints, muscles, and nerve synapses. Allergy desensitization is accomplished through the use of Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique.                          

4. Hormone Imbalance

The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland. Pressure on the pituitary causes it to dehydrate and results in low levels of human growth hormone, DHA, progesterone, estrogen, or testosterone. This condition is correctable by using natural progesterone hormone cream applied to the skin daily. Getting to the root of the problem involves rehydrating the pituitary gland.          

5. Hypothyroid

Most people with hypothyroid suffer from fatigue and low blood sugar. Low blood sugar causes brain fog. This adds stress to the brain which contributes to headaches.

6. High Blood  Pressure

Uncontrolled high blood pressure significantly contributes to headaches as well as increasing your susceptibility to stroke.

7. Tumors

Tumors are the cause of headaches in only 2% of the cases.

8.Vertebral-Basilar Insufficiency

Vertebral-Basilar insufficiency is a condition where the blood supply to the brain is restricted. Poor blood flow causes segments of the brain to go into hibernation and results in brain fatigue. Blood clotting problems cause serotonin release which cause Migraines. Higher elevations also decrease the amount of oxygen available.      

9. Grinding Teeth

Prolonged childbirth, head injuries, and concussions cause jamming of the skull plates, bones of the nose, cheekbones, and face. Malocclusion causes release of peptides and buildup of pressure in the Cerebro Spinal Fluid which causes the stabbing type of pain in the temple, behind the eyes, or in the back of the head.    

10. Fallen Arches

Fallen arches cause the ankles to pronate and then the knees and hips must compensate. This structural imbalance works its way up the body to the neck and head. Correctable with custom arch supports.  

11. Pressure on the Brainstem

Pressure on the upper neck can be caused by trauma to the neck at birth, car wrecks, trampolines, soccer, boxing, falls, injuries to the neck later in life, or stress. Tension in the neck muscles restricts the flow of blood into and out of the head.  This is correctable by chiropractic adjustments to the neck.        

12. Dehydration of the Brain

Injuries to the head cause inflammation which causes scar tissue and slows the flow of spinal fluid. Poor flow of spinal fluid causes blood vessels to become dry and fragile thus increasing the likelihood  of nosebleeds, stroke, and aneurysms. A dry brain causes people to have short attention span, lack of focus, and become easily stressed out.

¨     Unlocking the facial bones and the skull plates restores the flow of the CSF, Rehydrates the brain, and eliminates the pressure that causes headaches.


ü  90% Success Rate

ü  No Harmful Medications

ü     We Help You Live Pain Free

The Cause Of Headaches

Recent research has shown that all headaches have three things in common.

·         Pressure on the brain

·     Dehydration of the brain

·        Poor circulation to the brain.

There are migraine headaches, stress headaches, cluster headaches, and allergic headaches. Each of these has different symptoms. The pain may be on the left or right side of the head. It may be in the temples or behind an eye. It may feel like a tight band around the head or maybe a diffuse pain all over the head. Each type of headache may have its own contributing factors.

Pressure on the brain

This is a result of compression of the skull during childbirth causing jamming of the facial bones and sphenoid bone or injury to the head or tailbone later in life (car wrecks, football, hockey, soccer, slip and falls, childbirth). This results in a buildup of pressure in the cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) inside the skull. Histamine release due to exposure to allergies also causes swelling in the brain resulting in increased pressure inside the head.

Dehydration of the brain

This occurs when adhesions between the skull and the meninges interrupt the flow of spinal fluid. This fluid is designed to protect the brain from injury and keeps it wet. A dry brain works slowly and becomes easily overwhelmed. It cannot process information quickly and causes people to have lack of focus and a short attention span .

Your Bodies Many Cries for Water

by Dr. Batmanghelidj


In my personal experience, migraine headaches seem to be brought about by dehydration; excess bed covers that will not permit the body to regulate its temperature during sleep; alcoholic beverages (hangover) initiating a process of cellular dehydration, particularly in the brain; dietary or allergic triggers for histamine release; excess environmental heat without water intake. Basically, migraine seems to be an indicator of critical body temperature regulation at times of “heat stress.” Dehydration plays a major role in the precipitation of migraine headaches. The most prudent way of dealing with migraine is its prevention by the regular intake of water. Once migraine breaks the pain barriers, a cascade of chemical reactions will stop the body from further activity At this time, one may be forced to take pain-relieving medications with copious water. Sufficient cold or iced water may by itself be able to cool the body (also the brain) from inside and promote closing of the vascular system everywhere.    

Excess dilation of the peripheral vessels might well be the basic cause of migraine headache.

Mrs. Mavis Butler, a touring Australian Adventist missionary in Silang in the Philippines, has an interesting history. She has for years suffered from migraine headaches. She would at times be so incapacitated as to become bed-ridden. She came across this book when she was in Silang and started to increase her water intake. She wrote to me that she has so improved that she now shouts it from the house tops. Read her letter. Hers is another of those human stories that makes one wonder: How is it possible that we were so ignorant of the importance of water to health that people could suffer from its lack in the body, to the point of wishing to die?

RO. Box 1619, Innisfail 4860

North Queensland, Australia                   January 23,1995

Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:

For many years I suffered with headaches. I consulted doctors, neurolo­gists, chiropractors and spent hundreds of dollars for head-scans and X-rays, all to no avail. At times only my faith in God kept me from wanting to die, as I lie prone on my bed for days on end in pain.

No medication would ever stop the pain, it would just seem to run its course and then stop. I could never make any connection between my diet and the headaches, and the only pattern they seemed to follow was to always start a couple of hours after a meal.

Then one day a friend told me that he thought my headaches were caused because I never drank enough water. While I knew I didn’t actually drink much water, I thought my herbal tea with fruit juices together with lots of fruits amply supplied my liquid requirements. Just three weeks later I was leafing through a health magazine when an advertisement for your book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water,” just seemed to leap out at my eyes. I bought the magazine and sent for the book.

When it came, I eagerly read and re-read it to learn this new concept about  water, and as I saw the errors in my drinking habits I quickly set about to righting them. Can anyone, without experiencing it for them­selves, really understand what it is like to have usually pain-filled days changed to wonderful painless days when you can do the things you want to do, instead of being “down with a headache?” Oh, such a blessing for which I thank God continually.

It has taken months to properly hydrate my body, but now a headache is a now-and-again event instead of the norm. I thank a loving and caring God for leading me step by step to this wonderful truth. He no doubt tried to lead me a lot earlier, but I was too blind to see. I thank you doctor for your great work and perseverance in bringing this truth to the people.

I lecture to adults at night classes on “better Food and Eating Habits” and I quickly gave one of my sessions entirely to the body’s need for water. I have been able to help many people to better health and much less pain in their lives, with this knowledge. A friend told me he was going into hospital, in a few days time for stomach and ulcer treatment. I begged him to cancel this and try the water treatment you recommended.

He somewhat reluctantly did and was amazed and thankful to find his pains stop and in time, to know that the ulcer had healed, all without medication.

Please let me offer my grateful thanks again and pray that the Lord will bless and guide you and your staff as you work for the better health of humanity.


(Mrs.) Mavis Butler

Poor Circulation

The compression of the skull combined with the increase in CSF pressure compresses the blood vessels and causes them to become dry and fragile thus increasing the likelihood of stroke and aneurysms . Plaque and high cholesterol restrict blood flow which results in lack of oxygen and glucose to the brain. Anything that restricts the flow of blood to the brain causes a lack of oxygen to the brain. Without oxygen the brain slows down and ceases to function. Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, causes the brain to slow down and thinking stops. Anemia causes both lack of oxygen and lack of glucose to the brain. Tension in the upper neck muscles may restrict the flow of blood into and out of the head. All of these cause the brain to slow down and cease to function. People living near the coastline with an ocean breeze breathe in oxygen at a concentration of about 20% while people living inland in a city actually breath in lower concentrations of about 14%. Higher elevations can also decrease the amount of oxygen available to breathe.

These are the three “root causes” of all headaches. If these three root causes are reversed then the headaches are eliminated.

The Cure for Headaches

New understanding of the causes of headaches has led to new ways to effectively reduce or eliminate your headaches altogether. You don’t have to wait to begin discovering the incredible benefits that this information means for you. You can become more effective, ensure your success, and accelerate your personal and professional growth by starting today and making an enduring change.

Leading edge research has revealed the two “root causes” of headaches are increased intracranial pressure and dehydration of the brain.

Increased intracranial pressure occurs as a result of trauma to the head or tailbone. It is also caused by exposure to bacteria, viruses, and vaccinations. Stress also causes the scalp and neck muscles to tighten up which results in increased intracranial pressure. Allergies cause histamine release which causes increased pressure inside the skull.

Increase of pressure inside the skull results in restriction of motion to the cranio-sacral respiratory mechanism. This causes your breathing to become more shallow and the cerebro-spinal fluid begins to move too slowly. This fluid (CSF) surrounds and protects the brain. It bathes the brain and keeps it wet. When the CSF moves too slowly then the brain begins to dry out. Water conducts electricity. A wet nerve conducts an electrical impulse quickly. A dry nerve will soon cease to function. It acts like a dry stick. Removing the restrictions of the skull joints increases the subtle motion of the skull which occurs when we breathe. This reduces the pressure inside the head and allows for better blood flow to the brain. Then oxygen and glucose levels return to normal.

By this methods of removing restrictions to the skull joints, headaches may be reduced or eliminated in twenty four treatments over six months without drugs.  The treatments are received in four series of four consecutive days spaced about four weeks apart.

Beitrag geändert von peet (15.11.2007 13:11:22)


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« Letzte Änderung: 27. April 2010, 00:34:47 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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in Depesche 05+06/2014 beschreiben wir weitere Anwendungen über Natron, z. B. bei Verspannungskopfschmerzen.
Eine Leserin schreibt "Kopfschmerzen bekomme ich meistens innerhalb einer Stunde in den Griff, wenn ich drei bis für Natron-Tabletten zerkaue und mit Wasser schlucke". Mehr unter:
« Letzte Änderung: 17. März 2014, 00:00:13 von Medizinmann99 »
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton


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Aus dem Internet:
Der Atlas KANN die Ursache der Migräne sein - bei anderen wirken z.B. Histamin oder Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten, hormonelle Probleme, Kiefergelenksdysfunktionen, Blutzuckerschwankungen oder Traumata/Instabilitäten der Halswirbelsäule als Auslöser - oder sogar Kombinationen aus mehreren Faktoren: viele Wege führen nach Rom oder zur Migräne. Oft kommen sogar in EINEM Patienten MEHRERE Auslöser zusammen, die bei großem Leidensdruck die Situation so unübersichtlich machen, weil "nichts hilft, obwohl man schon alles tut"".
"Die wunderbare Einrichtung und Harmonie des Weltalls kann nur nach dem Plane eines allwissenden und allmächtigen Wesens zustande gekommen sein. Das ist und bleibt meine letzte und höchste Erkenntnis." Isaak Newton

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