GERMAN / DEUTSCHES Morbus Meulengracht Forum > Allgemeines zu Morbus Meulengracht
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super ! sehr gut....
aber ich glaub einige sachen können wir streichen, muss aber erst mal was essen ;)
es sollte sie auch nicht erschlagen ;)
What we would like to know is how we should prepare broccoli sprouts so that we get the maximum amount of Sulforaphane. The papers dealing with adult broccoli indicate that for adult broccoli it is advisable to steam the broccoli for 90 seconds so that sulforaphane nitrile formation is hampered while there is still enough myrosinase acitivity for sulforaphane generation.
ist ein bischen verwirrend, denn manchmal verwenden ise cook, dann steaming ,dann blanching usw...
We hope that you can help us with the following questions:
* How old should the broccoli sprouts be before preparing them?
Diese Frage können wir ggf. streichen, wenn wir das bereits mit ausreichender Sicherheit wissen.
ja streichen da wir das hier haben...
hier sieht man dass sich die gluco -menge pro flanze nicht verändert
und das über 9 tage hinweg
wenn man sie also nach 4 tagen erntet, dann hat man 5 tage danach noch zeit sprossen mit maximal sulf zu essen das müsste reichen
vor allem dann wenn nach erneuten 4 tagen die nächste portion ansteht ;)
* How fast is the concentration of Sulforaphane or myrosinase etc. degrading in broccoli sprouts which are older than the recommended 3 days? Do you know about special methos of conserving the broccoli sprouts so that the broccoli sprouts / sulforaphane contained remains stable for as long as possible? -können wir streichen
* Are there already papers available which answer the question how long one has to steam broccoli sprouts for maximum sulforaphane levels? If so, can you please tell us where to find these studies or in which studies we can find the appropriate hints? wichtig ist noch, dass wir eine klare antwort erhalten, denn so ein cooking steaming, blanching bla bla hilft uns nicht...
ich weiss auch gatr nicht wie man richtig steamed
sprossen befinden sich dann nicht im wasser oder???
* Are there any other important hints about preparing broccoli sprouts you might already found out?--auch streichen
* Are there other substances which might be advisable to take together with the steamed broccoli sprouts to maximize the resorption of Sulforaphane in the human body? ja mir egal, brauchgen wir eigentlich auch nicht
* Should every serving of broccoli be freshly prepared by steaming or would it be possible to steam a greater amount of broccoli at once and put it in the refrigerator? ja können wir lassen...
* Can you estimate an effective brokkoli sprouts dosage for human intake especially regarding boosting the UDP activity for enhanced bilirubine clearance? For example "Take 2 times a day XX Grams of XX seconds steamed broccoli sprouts". können sie wahrscheinlich nicht beantworten , aber lkönnen wir lassen
* Furthermore, we would like to inquire if you know a good source for seeds of the "super-brokkoli" variant "Brassica oleracea variety italica" so that we can grow this particular broccoli variant on our own.
wichtig ist noch, dass wir sprossen wollen und keinen normalen brokk.
Of course, we will forward all information that you provide to other Gilberts Syndrome help organizations as well so that other GS sufferers will also benefit from what we will be able to find out :-) ok ;)
was wir noch fragen klönnten ist, wann bei sprossen (in kochzeit) die myro aussetzt...
beim brokk ist es ja nach 3 bis 4 min
damit man weiss, in welchem zeitlichen Kochfenster man sich befinden darf...
Hier also eine entsprechend modifizierte Version:
Betreff: How to maximize Sulforaphane dosage in broccoli sprouts?
Dear XXXXXXXXX (das schicke ich einzeln an jeden raus sind ja nicht so viele)
I am inquiring on behalf of a german self help group for Gilberts Syndrome.
There exist several scientific papers indicating that Sulforaphane is able to enhance the functioning of the UDP system and therefore enhances bilirubine clearance (which is reduced in Gilberts Syndrome sufferers).
Therefore, we are currently trying to figure out how to maximize the sulforaphane level in broccoli sprouts (so not in the adult broccoli, but in broccoli sprouts).
We were not able to find information or graphical charts about the relation of Sulforaphane, Sulforaphane nitrile, myrosinase acitivity and heat regarding broccoli sprouts; we only found publications dealing with this regarding adult broccoli.
What we would like to know is how we should prepare broccoli sprouts so that we get the maximum amount of Sulforaphane. The papers dealing with adult broccoli indicate that for adult broccoli it is advisable to steam the broccoli for 90 seconds so that sulforaphane nitrile formation is hampered while there is still enough myrosinase acitivity for sulforaphane generation.
We hope that you can help us with the following questions:
* Do you have a similar information as mentioned above for broccoli sprouts so that we can figure out the optimum amount of time for the steaming of broccoli sprouts?
* Do you have more detailed instructions about the "steaming process"? Does Steaming simply mean that we have to put the brocccoli sprouts in an appropriate steaming pot and steam them for a certain amount of time by exposing them to the steam of boiling water?
* Should every serving of broccoli be freshly prepared by steaming or would it be possible to steam a greater amount of broccoli at once and put it in the refrigerator?
* Can you estimate an effective brokkoli sprouts dosage for human intake especially regarding boosting the UDP activity for enhanced bilirubine clearance? For example "Take 2 times a day XX Grams of XX seconds steamed broccoli sprouts".
* Furthermore, we would like to inquire if you know a good source for seeds of the "super-brokkoli" variant "Brassica oleracea variety italica" so that we can grow this particular broccoli variant (these particular broccoli sprouts) on our own. I think for the purpose of growing broccoli sprouts we are going to need so called "untreated seeds for sprouting".
Of course, we will forward all information that you provide to other Gilberts Syndrome help organizations as well so that other GS sufferers will also benefit from the provided information :-)
Thank you very much for your help in advance, best regards,
Hm also Fenris ich denke diese Version ist ganz gut. Wenn keine Einwände mehr dagegen bestehen bzw. wenn Dir oder sonst jemandem nichts mehr dazu einfällt, werde ich das morgen abend voraussichtlich an die genannten Personen abschicken.
Diesen Richart Mithen habe ich bereits einmal angeschrieben ich werde daher das entsprechende Email an ihn leicht modifizieren, er war es auch der uns bereits damals die Dünsterei riet (aber ohne nähere Angaben wie lange man dünsten muß etc.).
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