GERMAN / DEUTSCHES Morbus Meulengracht Forum > Mit MM oftmals einhergehende Störungen
Gastroparese (Nahrung verbleibt zu lange im Magen)
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I posted this in another thread, but it's important enough to have its own.
The link between GS and all the digestive problems is now as clear as anything. In a recent study, it was shown that people with GS have Gastroparesis. This literally means "stomach paralysis" and the result is that food stays in our stomachs half again as long as normal. This is also known as "Delayed Gastric Emptying". Most doctors arent aware of this (or the fact that GS has any symptoms at all). So I recommend you print out this page and bring it in to your doctor:
In case your doctor isnt aware of the symptoms of gastroparesis, print out the following symptoms list from the Mayo Clinic and bring it in as well:
In short:
In addition to nausea and vomiting, gastroparesis often causes:
• A feeling of fullness after just a few bites (early satiety)
• Abdominal bloating
• Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux
• Changes in blood sugar levels
• Lack of appetite
• Weight loss and malnutrition
There is a prescription drug called Domperidone that is made specifically for gastroparesis that several people on this site have said works well. It has fewer side effects than others such as Metoclopramide and Erythromycin (an antibiotic - bad!). Bethanchol might also be a good choice.
Interestingly, the only known cause of gastroparesis that has anything to do with GS is hypothyroidism. It's amazing how often hypothyroidism comes up when investigating Gilbert's Syndrome.
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