ENGLISH Gilbert Syndrome Forum > Offtopic
Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Regarding Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), I wrote a german thread here
and just made an english one here (this thread which you are currently reading http://meulengrachtforum.altervista.org/forum/index.php/topic,1384.msg9391.html#msg9391 )
Dr. Banerji published homeopathic remedies for "anemia" which are also supposed to work for MDS, there are several homeopathic recipes in his book, here the main recipe, I translated this from the german text:
"Natr. Mur. C30" once per day two tablets,
"Kal. Mur. D3" 2 Tablets and "Ferrum Phos. D3" 2 Tablets taken together, 4 times per day
Vitex Negundo mother tincture 2 drops 2 times per day
Here the original german recipe:
Dr. Banerji Protokoll bei Aplastischer Anämie:
Dr. Banerji Globuli-Protokoll, keiner seiner Patienten brauchte deswegen je Blut:
Natr. Mur. C30 einmal täglich 2, Kal. Mur. D3 und Ferrum Phos. D3 2 Tabletten von jedem Schüssler Salz zusammen = eine Dosis, insges. 4 mal tägl., Vitex Negundo Urtinktur 2 Tr. 2 x tägl.
Wer war Dr. Banerji? Protokoll aus seinem Buch "The Banerji Protocols" von Pratip und Prasanta Dr. Banerji. Im Buch sind bei jeder Erkrankung 3 verschiedene Protokolle enthalten die man ausprobieren kann falls die erste Kombi nicht anspricht. Die erste Kombi ist immer das was den meisten Patienten von Dr. Banerji half.
According to Dr. Banerji, nobody who took this homeopathic remedy ever needed blood transfusions. Try to stay away from blood transfusions as long as possible for very good reasons.
If the above mentioned recipe does not work, please look up the other recipes for anemia in Dr. Banerjis book. The above mentioned recipe is the "main one" which helped most of Dr. Banerjis patients.
I found all this on the german page
Furthermore, there is a substance called Methylene Blue which is, according to "the AIs" (like ChatGPT), showed promising results in various studies (but I guess you will never hear about these studies as the substance is very cheap and effective, so there is no money to be made etc.). There is a book about the substance by Mark Sloan. Start extremely slowly with the substance, first, put it on the skin in diluted form and wait if any allergic reaction shows, if nothing happens, then start with 1/5th of a drop (dilute 1 drop in 1 liter of water and then pour out 0.2 liters into a separate glass and fill it up with water). Then 1/4th of a drop and so on until you reach one drop and then continue to the recommended minimum daily dosage (see book by Mark Sloan).
Another important tips is to reduce your breathing see https://normalbreathing.com , for example by using the "Samozdrav Comfort" breathing trainer, see https://samozdrav.com You can find a guide how to use it on youtube by simply searching for "samozdrav".
Combine this method with the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig which jumpstarts CELLULAR breathing.
The reason is that normalbreathing.com improves GENERAL oxygenation of each body cell and the oil-protein-diet improves CELLULAR breathing, so this is a golden combination. Methylene Blue can also help in this regard, so it is probably best to combine all three.
Also see
regarding all this.
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