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Putin Drops BOMBSHELL! Ukraine Involved in Moscow Attack ft. Scott Ritter
posted by Danny Haiphong @geopoliticshaiphong
25.03.2024  #Putin #Crocus #Russia
The horrifying March 22nd attack on Moscow's Crocus City Hall was not only a day of mourning but will go down in history as a day of reckoning for Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin had a strong message for the perpetrators and Ukraine has been put on notice.

Zu dem widerlichen Terroranschlag von Moskau in der Crocus City Hall gibt es nun einen englischen Text, der die mögliche Verwicklung bzw. Täterschaft von USA / Großbritannien / Ukraine etc. untersucht und erläutert, was bisher darüber bekannt ist:
Russia already has the first results of the investigation. The West, which is trying to convince the world that ISIS was killing near Moscow, will not like them. Terrorists from Tajikistan have already been caught by Austrians and Slovaks

The West is trying at all costs to convince the world and the world public that terrorists from the Islamic State (ISIS) killed in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow. These statements come without any evidence from the mouths of both American and European politicians. However, Russia already has the first results of the investigation and has the first information about the real people who ordered the attack. The problem with Tajik terrorists has been here for a long time, but only now is the true nature of what is really happening starting to emerge.

"We think that the US, Britain and Ukraine are behind the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall. In any case, we are now talking about the information we have. This is general information, but the investigators already have concrete results." This is how the director of the Russian FSB secret service, Alexander Bortnikov, reacted on Tuesday after a meeting of the extended council of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia. "Now everything is being done to identify all the participants in this massacre in our country and, of course, abroad, in the process of further operational and search activities. And all our operational units are actively involved in this work, including with partner intelligence services of friendly states."

Bortnikov clarified that the direct orderer has not yet been identified, but the special services can see who organized and recruited the perpetrators. According to him, the FSB will do everything to identify the real orderers of the terrorist attack. According to him, the bandits intended to go abroad, specifically to the territory of Ukraine. "And according to our preliminary operational information, they were waiting there. I'll let you in on a little secret: they should have been welcomed as heroes on the other side.'

His words were also confirmed by the head of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, who said that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region. The President of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, also blamed Ukraine, the USA and the EU for the attack, which, according to him, want to divide society in Russia.

A few weeks before the terrorist attack, information appeared on the website of the Ukrainian embassy in Tajikistan inviting foreigners to the so-called "International Legion". The embassy was looking for Tajiks to fight against the Russians, and the whole process was directed by the Ukrainian ambassador to Tajikistan, Valery Yevdokimov, a former director of the SBU. This information was brought by a military expert, a former special service officer, retired colonel BakhtierRachmonov, who also provided the corresponding screenshot, which clearly shows numbers to which interested parties should contact. This is, diplomatically speaking, interesting information.

The West is trying at all costs to blame the attack in Crocus City Hall on the Islamic State (ISIS). These statements come without any evidence from the mouths of both American and European politicians. The National Security Council's strategic communications coordinator at the White House, John Kirby, brazenly responded to reporters who asked for evidence of his claims: “This attack was carried out by ISIS-Khorasan terrorists, period. The information that the attack was connected to Kiev is Kremlin propaganda."

Similarly, French President Emmanuel Macron expressed himself, saying that "it would be cynical and counterproductive for Russia to blame Ukraine for the attack, since the Islamic State claimed responsibility for this attack and the information we have, our intelligence services, as well as our key partners, suggest it was indeed an Islamic State unit.” Almost identical statements have been heard for days from most Western politicians.

Why are they suddenly trying so hard to convince the world public of the Islamic State's guilt? The Islamic State, which was co-founded and financed by the American and British secret services during the Obama administration, which was later admitted by Obama and Hillary Clinton. And a few days ago Trump. How is it possible that everyone in the West suddenly knows who the perpetrator of the Moscow massacre is, without any more detailed information from Russian investigators? How is this possible when they still can't find out (it's been a year and a half) who blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, while they have direct access to the investigation in this case?

It is obvious why this is so. But the West can no longer hide the information that several Western newspapers brought earlier. The information related to the fact that Kiev is recruiting militants both in the Caucasian republics and in the Middle East. And they are trained either on the territory of the given states, but mainly on the territory of Ukraine.

Similar terrorists from Tajikistan have already been caught by Austrians and Slovaks. On the morning of December 23, 2023, a 28-year-old citizen of Tajikistan and his wife were arrested in one of the refugee camps in Vienna. Soon their accomplice was arrested in Germany. The terrorists planned to attack St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna by mass shooting civilians and detonating explosives. As it turned out, they came from Tajikistan and arrived in Austria through the territory of Ukraine. A dangerous terrorist from Tajikistan with a permanent residence in Ukraine was also detained here in Slovakia. "According to the information we have from foreign intelligence agencies services, he was identified as a risky and dangerous person who has violent behavior. He got to the territory of Slovakia through the Ukrainian-Slovak border," confirmed Minister of the Interior Matúš Šutaj Eštok at the State Security Council. Once again, there is a link between Tajikistan - Ukraine - terrorism.

The investigation of the Russian security services continues and the West is obviously scared about it. Never before have Western politicians tried to convince someone of their innocence/guilt, or about the innocence of Ukraine and the guilt of Islamic radicals, like today. The fears are right, no one knows what the reaction of the RF will be when the official Russian investigation accidentally closes the case with the fact that it was ordered and organized by the West with Kiev. Standing up without a reaction to 140 dead innocent people is "strong coffee" even for the most moderate leader, because the pressure for retaliation is already enormous in Russian society today

Ohne Gewähr, das hab ich jetzt schon mehrfach gelesen und würde erklären, wie die USA fähig sein konnten, Russland über einen bevorstehenden großen Terroranschlag zu warnen (natürlich, ohne Russland genaue Informationen zu geben, wo dieser stattfinden würde, aber es war klar, dass die wußten, dass ein großer Terroranschlag bevorsteht):
So this was the "nasty surprise for Russia", that Victoria Nuland was talking about in her visit to Ukraine in late February

Ein gewisser deutscher Politiker von den "Grünen" meinte angeblich, dass man "Deutschland auf einen Landkrieg" vorbereiten müsse, man kann sich diesen unerträglich widerlichen, kriegstreiberischen Irrsinn nicht ausdenken, man glaubt das einfach nicht:

Russland hat einige der Geldgeber des Terroranschlags in der Moskauer Crocus City Hall inzwischen offenbar zurückverfolgt:
Money From Ukraine's Burisma Used for Terrorist Attacks in Russia - Moscow | 9 April 2024 | The Russian Investigative Committee announced on Tuesday that it has opened a criminal case against high-ranking officials from the U.S. and other NATO countries for financing terrorism following the deadly Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow. "It has been established that the funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the Burisma Holdings oil and gas company that is operating in Ukraine, have been used over the past few years to carry out terrorist acts in Russia, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage," the committee declared. Moreover, the committee is investigating the sources and transfer of several million d-llars as part of the opened criminal case, the statement read... The Ukrainian-based oil company mentioned by the Russian Investigative Committee is also known for its participation in the scandal around U.S. President [sic] Joe Biden's son Hunter.


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