ENGLISH Gilbert Syndrome Forum > Offtopic

Coronavirus Plandemic, masks, vaccine vaccination risk danger co2 toxic lockdown

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Found this on bastyon.com:
Observations from doctors, nurses, and paramedics in the US and other countries on COVID vaccination deaths.

The comments are stunning.



Vaxxed III, Authorized To Kill
Free to watch right now!

No guarantees:
To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide Listen carefully
Videos that are too important to be lost or forgotten.
Canadian Embalmer questioned about the White Fibers found clotting everyone after death.
Only showed up after the Gene therapy and never ever seen before.

The Crimes of Big Pharma: Why Are We Still Turning a Blind Eye?

That most pilots - who are supposed to be professionals - took an experimental gene therapy without batting an eye is a shame and a scandal in itself IMHO:
"There is nothing worse than a commercial airline pilot coming down with myocarditis while flying..."
Dr. Sherry Walker - a physician, university professor and airline captain - conducted an independent study and found that more than 23% of pilots who received the COVID vaccine had health problems.

On condition of anonymity, they admitted that they tried to keep this a secret from the FAA in order to keep their jobs.



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