ENGLISH Gilbert Syndrome Forum > Offtopic

Coronavirus Plandemic, masks, vaccine vaccination risk danger co2 toxic lockdown

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A "nice" demonstration of the "quality" of the members of the "UK" parliament (if you still want to call that parliament that way) and how much interest these members of parliament have to find out what exactly happened during the coronavirus period. Well, why should they be interested in shedding any light on the coronavirus topic, as, in my opinion, they were all bought and paid for to do exactly what they did during the coronavirus period and of course they DON'T want to take any responsibility for their actions now...so they simply don't attend and pretend they did not see, hear or know anything.
Dr. John Campbell

Excess deaths and data deficit
Dr. John Campbell
We know, by all the different measures, that many more people are dying now than were before the pandemic.
In particular, the impact on people’s hearts, and increasingly younger people’s hearts, deserves attention. The British Heart Foundation reported last June that since the start of the pandemic, 100,000 more people have died than would have been expected. That is surely significant cause for us to take this question seriously.
We know that there are adverse effects from the vaccination. Everybody acknowledges that; it is a question of the extent to which those effects have been manifested.

I guess thats very true

This means that they plan to introduce "digital IDs" - which they already wanted to force upon everyone of us for the Covid-"vaccination"-passports - in the near future, because no CBDCs without digital IDs:
NEW REPORT: ‘Over 98 percent’ of world’s central banks gearing up for new system of programmable, trackable ‘digital cash’ and 24 nations will have ‘live CBDCs’ by 2030
26th of April 2024

No guarantees:
80% of Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages After Covid Injection
18 min video. Scientific Journal Confirms 80% Of Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages After Covid Injection


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