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Coronavirus protection / cure / prevention / healing / infection

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Please also read the thread here:


According to my research, three substances should be effective in high dosages
1.) Vitamine C, read Dr. Thomas E. Levys books, for example "Primal Panacea" if you want to know why this works.
2.) Vitamine D (always combine with K2), read "Dr. Helden"s information if you want to know why this works, or other information of that kind.
3.) Iodine (Lugols Solution) (always combine with Selenium), see for example "Fenbenlady"s information at minds.com

If you have a Vitamine A deficiency, also take Vitamine A.

Also see

and scroll down to "How Can We Best Prevent or Treat COVID-19 Infection?"
How Can We Best Prevent or Treat COVID-19 Infection?

While it's unclear exactly which treatment is the most effective, my guess is that Dr. Paul Marik's intravenous vitamin C protocol for sepsis would be a good starting point, seeing how sepsis appears to be what kills those who succumb to a serious COVID-19 infection.

Marik's retrospective before-after clinical study14,15 showed that giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and vitamin B1 for two days reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. The precise protocol used was 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours, 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid every six hours, and 50 mg of hydrocortisone every six hours.16 Importantly, the treatment has no side effects and is inexpensive, readily available and simple to administer.

According to Marik, vitamin C and corticosteroids have a synergistic effect,17 which is part of why his combo protocol is so effective. Still, simply using high-dose IV vitamin C exclusively has been shown to improve survival in patients with sepsis and acute respiratory failure, reducing mortality from 46% to 30%.18

It also reduced the number of days they needed to remain hospitalized. On average, those who received vitamin C had by Day 28 spent three fewer days in the intensive care unit than the placebo group (seven days compared to 10). By Day 60, the treatment group had also spent seven fewer days in the hospital overall —15 days compared to 22.19

While there are no trials that look at integrating hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), my suspicion is that this would provide a powerful synergy that could get the fatality rate from sepsis even closer to zero. Sadly, HBOT is not available at many hospitals, and even if it were, it is not approved for sepsis.

You can learn more about Marik's sepsis protocol in "Vitamin C — A Game Changer in Treatment of Deadly Sepsis," along with commonsense recommendations for how to lower your risk of sepsis in the first place.

You can also review Marik's PowerPoint presentation, "Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," presented at the 2020 Critical Care Reviews meeting in Australia. For COVID-19 at-home care advice from the WHO, please see "Novel Coronavirus — The Latest Pandemic Scare."

Also read

BREAKING NEWS, a drug called chloroquine / hydroxychloroquine MIGHT CURE Coronavirus:
A peer-reviewed study shows that 100% of patients, after 6 days of taking a Malaria drug were "virologically" cured
This is, reportedly, the 2nd 100% cure to a virus that has ever existed
Here the study:
Here the original source:
Here a statement of President Trump regarding all this:

Google and the medical-industrial complex / pharma corporations suppress information about Coronavirus-Cure (Hydroxychloroquine in combination with Azithromycin)Google und der medizinisch-industrielle Komplex unterdrücken Informationen über Coronavirus-Heilmittel (Hydroxychloroquine in combination with Azithromycin) /https://sciencefiles.org/2020/03/20/pfleger-arzt-der-mit-covid-19-erkrankten-zu-tun-hat-helfen-sie-mit-ein-medikament-zu-testen/

also see

Dr. Zenloko's Successful Treatment of Covid

Treated 350 patients, 100% CURE RATE:

0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations, 0 intubations breathing restored in 3-4 hours

1 - Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg 1 pill 2x a day/5 days

2 - Azithromycin 500 mg 1 pill/day/5 days

3 - Zinc sulfate 220 mg 1 pill/day/5 days



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