health measures and drugs

Untergeordnete Boards

[-] General information

[-] supply sources

[-] Liver cleanse

[-] heavy metal detoxification

[-] Sulforaphane

[-] substances derived from sulforaphane (DIM, I3C etc.)

[-] "Yin Zhi Huang" tea

[-] Horvi Encymes

[-] flower pollen

[-] MSM (Methyl-Sulfonate-Methane)

[-] Selenium

[-] N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) / L - Cysteine

[-] Glutamine

[-] Glycine

[-] Glutathione

[-] Alpha Lipoic Acid

[-] Curcuma (domestica) / turmeric

[-] Tri Methyl Glycine (Betain)

[-] Clofibrate

[-] Other



[1] Iodine (Lugols solution)

[2] Recommended Reading...Dr. Sandra Cabot "Love your Liver and Live Longer"

[3] In which order one should try measures and medicines in my opinion


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