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Update 26th of July 2023: A strange problem emerged out of the blue, probably caused by my current hoster...if links do not properly work, the reason probably is that a "PHP Session ID" is added to the link (for whatever reason), in this case, reload the page (CTRL + F5 or CTRL + R in most browsers) and the link will work properly again!! This only applies to links which lead to this forum here, all other links works, except links, as the old forwarding service does not exist anymore. You can learn how to easily repair links in the following link (see below).

Die im Forum an verschiedenen Stellen enthaltenen, nicht mehr funktionierenden Links - das war ein Weiterleitungsdienst, der leider seinen Betrieb komplett eingestellt hat - können folgendermaßen "repariert" werden:,1161.msg4069.html#msg4069

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 am: 21. März 2024, 15:00:27 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
“Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth", Debunks Global Warming & Net Zero Narratives

This new, must-see documentary exposes the hypocrisy of climate alarmists narrative and reveals how this trillion-dollar industry fueled by greed and fear has manipulated scientists and the public.

 am: 21. März 2024, 14:58:05 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
No guarantees, but if it is true what has been said during this parliament session then I would call this "interesting", to say the least...I personally am not calling for the death penalty btw, for the following reason:
"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord." This quote is from the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 32, verse 35. In the Bible, this quote is also mentioned in other passages, such as Romans 12:19 and Hebrews 10:30.
Here is the exact quote in the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible: "Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly."
It's important to note that this quote indicates that revenge is reserved for God and should not be taken upon ourselves. It encourages us to leave room for God's anger and not seek revenge ourselves. Instead, we should turn to what is good and seek peace with all people.

UK lawmaker stuns parliament with call for members of ‘Covid cabal’ to face death penalty
by WorldTribune Staff, March 17, 2024

 am: 19. März 2024, 21:50:24 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Oh and regarding "our" so called "pope", who recommended the coronavirus "vaccine" and therefore led untold millions to their doom, I concur with the following comment:
It is what Pope Francis called "an act of love". One day Francis will have so many questions to answer, and history will judge him so harshly.

 am: 19. März 2024, 21:42:35 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Regarding the whole plandemic, I agree with the following assessment, of course it was all planned, or it would have NEVER been possible to get over 190 countries to march in total lockstep, and of course they exempted themselves.

Just like I did btw, I exempted myself too.

It was intended from the start. Notice that governments world wide exempted themselves and their family from having the shots.
Someone else wrote:
As did Pfizer, ModRNA, et al.

 am: 19. März 2024, 21:17:43 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
BTW I agree with the following assessment:
"We're winning, albeit slowly, but winning nonetheless."

NOTHING can stop the truth. It just takes time.

 am: 19. März 2024, 21:14:55 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Regarding Dr. John Campbell, there is something that needs to be said in this thread, according to a lot of comments I read by now Dr. Campbell unfortunately pushed the jabs at the beginning, then he pulled off "a 180 degree turn". Another commenter wrote about this:
He has a video where he clearly apologized for misleading people in the beginning to get the jab, for the promising fake data he was getting! His apology comes from his sincere  good conscious and humility! God bless his heart.

Still, he pushed the jabs in the beginning according to these comments. Surely it is a VERY strong feat to pull a 180 - most people seem to be absolutely unable to do this -, but IMHO anyone who knows anything about medicine and pharma companies and who has "a line to the top" (God) should and must have known that it was imperative to refuse the jabs and to warn others about them.

Well, he turned around as soon as it became visible in the data...

This just shows that from this point in time (March of 2020) it will forever be absolutely unthinkable to ever trust "science" again - and, of course, the church, military, police, nurses, doctors, the so called "secret service" (which of course knew about all this), the state and, lo and behold, "the vaccinated", as those who got it voluntarily proved that they have no common sense and critical thinking skills whatsoever, they just proved that they are "herd people", NPCs etc. pp..

Except a select few who spoke up.

 am: 19. März 2024, 19:55:04 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
EXCESS DEATHS: Why the SILENCE?!? - Fr. Mark Goring, CC
Fr. Mark Goring
06th of March 2024
Join Fr. Mark's School of Reading and receive books in the mail & weekly teachings:

 am: 15. März 2024, 23:26:03 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Ausnahmsweise mal eine gute Nachricht, das bezieht sich vermutlich rein auf Deutschland:
"endlich: Eltern von Schulkindern, die für ihre Masern-Impfentscheidung jetzt Bußgeld zahlen sollen, dürfen aufatmen. [..] Der Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof als zuständiges Oberverwaltungsgericht hat bereits zweimal (!) entschieden, dass es keine Impfpflicht gibt"

 am: 15. März 2024, 23:22:53 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Wenn korrupte Wissenschaft die Weltpolitik bestimmt
Roland Wiesendanger / 7.03.2024   
Herkunft des Coronavirus: Freigeklagte Emails werfen ein schlechtes Licht auf Wissenschaftler.

 am: 15. März 2024, 23:22:05 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Aus anderem Forum:
in Kanada hat man die Hemmschwellen zur Euthanasie so weit herunter gefahren, dass man wahrscheinlich bald eine Welle von angeblich freiwilligen Selbstmorden gibt.

In Kanada wurde einer, durch die C-Impfung gelähmten 37 Jahre jungen Frau, schon zweimal der freiwillige Tod angeboten.

In Österreich ist seit gut zwei Jahren der freiwillige Tod auch legal und sogar gerichtlich ein Menschenrecht.

In Kanada geht man derzeit so weit, dass man plant, (bereits) geborene Kinder ermorden zu dürfen, wenn die Elten die Geburt bereuen und lieber arbeiten und Geld verdienen wollen.  :krank-kotzen:

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