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 am: 15. März 2024, 15:00:57 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
This revolutionary book explains one of the most effective methods to prevent cancer, a method which is free (costs nothing) and can also help greatly to cure cancer:
Artour Rakhimov "Doctors Who Cure Cancer: Anticancer Biography and New Way of Life to Treat the Emperor of All Maladies"
Also see

Also read Jane McLellands book "How to Starve Cancer" see

And see

Two more substances which can also help cure cancer are fenbendazole, possibly combined with Ivermectin, see

 am: 15. März 2024, 15:00:25 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
The following text ties directly into the key aspects of why is so extremely effective in preventing and helping to cure cancer - it floods the body with oxygen. The "Samozdrav Comfort" breathing trainer might be one of the best devices on the market to achieve this. Also read

From Amy Berger;
On the mitochondrial level, in the presence of oxygen, a healthy cell, the mitochondria will take in glucose and create 89% APT (work), while releasing 5.5% of each lactic and succinic acid.
The unhealthy cell, cancer for instance, this ATP can be reduced to as little as 5%, releasing as much as 20% lactic acid and 75% succinic, which acidifies the cells. A healthy body needs to be alkaline and oxygenated.
The healthy cells thrive in oxygen, and unhealthy cells can become a little healthier.
The healthy cells can use alternative energy from ketones just as efficiently as glucose. The cancer cell can't survive without glucose. In the absence of glucose and fermentation from a lack of oxygen, high oxygen reacts with the free radicals and destroys the cancer cells.
I don't think there's many studies being done on using something like a hyperbaric chamber on cancer, as it's commonly accepted that cancer is genetic, and I doubt many would find the funding for their studies. All of the studies are being done on the differences in the types of cancer. What is common across all cancers is the fermentation I spoke of earlier, and the lack of oxygen, respiration.
Ketones are non-fermentable fuel. It's not complicated. Remove the carbs, the fermentable fuel, and the tumor cells are going to die.
Somatic Mutation Theory SMT views the gene as a blueprint, which has been applied to all chronic diseases being caused by mutations, not just cancer.
There's a paper 100 years of Somatic Mutation Theory that looks at this with new eyes, showing carcinogenesis is a six-step multi sequence process, and the vast majority of cancers are not genetically driven.
All we have looked at is around 1-2% of the total DNA. 98% is supposedly noncoding.
Metabolic Origins Theory makes more sense. Instead of the problem being in the DNA causing the chronic diseases of the day, MOT would point to the mitochondria organelles floating in the cytoplasm.
Cancer cells use fermentation to protect themselves from oxygen. They prefer glucose where Alzheimer's is the inability of the brain to use glucose.
Cancer cells love glucose. They need glucose. And they do everything in their power to suck up as much of it as they possibly can, even at the expense of healthy tissue elsewhere in the body. Short of actually taking control of the motor functions of your arms and hands in order to pour you a giant bowl of sugar-frosted breakfast cereal and cram it down your throat, cancer cells do everything they can to ensure they have access to a never-ending supply of glucose.
just the primary fuel. Remember: cancer cells have mitochondria that are malfunctioning, reduced in number, or both. But that doesn’t mean 100% of their mitochondria are 100% useless. It just means that, compared to healthy cells, cancer cells require and metabolize more glucose, because even though some of their mitochondria can metabolize fats and ketones to some extent, relatively speaking, their mitochondrial capacity is severely compromised, and therefore, they fare much better using glucose. (Sorry if I’m stating the obvious here. I don’t want to harp on the details too much, but I do want to make sure we’re clear on what’s going on.) Cancer cells still metabolize small amounts of fats and ketones; they just don’t do it as effectively as non-cancerous cells that are replete with healthy mitochondria. (You can bet your sweet bottom we’ll come back to this when we talk about dietary strategies for managing cancer, but I wanted to make this point early on so that even here, you’ll start gaining some insight as to why ketogenic diets, by themselves, aren’t miracle cures for cancer.) . . .
. . . Here’s the super-speedy version, in case anyone’s forgotten the major highlights: Compared to healthy cells of the same tissue type, cancer cells have fewer mitochondria, mitochondria that are malfunctioning, or both. Since mitochondria are where cells generate the vast majority of their ATP—from fats, ketones, and carbohydrates—if mitochondrial energy production is compromised, the cell must rely on some other way of producing energy—a way that doesn’t require mitochondria. This other way, you’ll recall, is glycolysis, which takes place in the cytoplasm, and which, like the good ol’ Energizer bunny, can keep going, and going, and going, no matter how “messed up” the mitochondria are. (And because fats and ketones can only be metabolized inside the mitochondria, the main fuel source for cells with compromised mitochondria must be a fuel that can be metabolized outside the mitochondria, via glycolysis—that is, glucose.) But you’ll also recall, from this post, that, compared to OxPhos inside the mitochondria, glycolysis is very inefficient. It generates far fewer ATP from the same amount of starting material—in this case, glucose molecules. Therefore, in order to generate the same amount of ATP as healthy cells, with healthy mitochondria, cancer cells need to consume far more glucose.
Fires only continue to rage when something is fueling them, right? Curtains, books, carpet, clothing. Cancer continues to rage when it, too, has an abundant fuel supply to “burn through,” and most types of cancers’ favorite fuel is what again? Right, glucose.
Hence, cancer cells are sugar junkies. . . .
. . . But those of you who’ve ever tried -- *and failed**! --* to lose weight, manage your diabetes, reverse your heart disease, or improve your overall health by consuming a diet low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and red meat, and high in complex carbohydrates, fruit, vegetable oils, and whole grains, might have firsthand experience with two ideas:
Correlation does not equal causation.Just because something *sounds* logically plausible doesn’t mean it *is*.
With those ideas in mind, let’s take a look at the alternative theory of cancer etiology. This one is called the metabolic origins theory (MOT), and it holds that cancer is not caused by mutations to the genetic code, but rather, by abnormalities of cellular metabolism. The MOT says that the changes that occur when cells become cancerous are the result of an “[energy crisis][]” caused by major quantitative and qualitative malfunctioning of cells’ [main energy generators: the mitochondria][main energy generators_ the mitochondria]. The MOT does not ignore mutated DNA. BUT—and here we have the fundamental difference between the two theories—**whereas the somatic mutation theory posits mutated DNA as the *cause* of cancer, the metabolic origins theory holds that mutated DNA is an *effect* of cancer.** . . .

This is a 20 part series on the metabolic origin theory of cancer;

 am: 15. März 2024, 14:28:17 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Im Leben hätte ich nicht geglaubt, wenn mir jemand gesagt hätte, dass das Wort "Berlin" zu meinen Lebzeiten noch einmal den alten Beigeschmack der Kriegstreiberei bekommen würde. Ich hätte auch kaum geglaubt, wenn mir jemand gesagt hätte, dass ich irgendwann der Meinung sein würde, dass es besser gewesen wäre, wenn Deutschland geteilt und von den Russen besetzt geblieben wäre.

 am: 15. März 2024, 14:25:47 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Ohne Gewähr, man soll sich davon nicht verrückt machen lassen, der Artikel zeigt einfach, dass im Hintergrund Kräfte versuchen, die Welt in einen großen Krieg zu stürzen, aber das "letzte Wort" haben diese Kräfte nicht, sondern darüber entscheiden höhere Mächte. Wenn der Großteil der Menschen, also die Bevölkerungen der betroffenen Länder, den Krieg nicht wollen, wird es auch keinen Krieg geben und es wird dann auch "von oben" (von Gott) kein "grünes Licht" zu einem Krieg geben:

 am: 14. März 2024, 15:58:10 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
This somehow fits here into this thread, as Donald Trump is the self proclaimed "father of the coronavirus "vaccine"" and he is, at least according to my information, responsible for the coronavirus "vaccine" rollout.

Best article on Trump I've read in years
"I may very well be the last Trump Agnostic standing. It’s not only the smallest minority group in the world, but I’m not even sure who any other members are at this point.

My Trumpenstein thesis is that the elite recruited the most bombastic and obnoxious personality they could, and inserted him into the presidential campaign.

They assigned him the role of populist outsider, and wrote some alluring rhetoric for him, which was often revolutionary. He wooed millions, including me. Millions of others instantly hated him.

That’s how programming works. I didn’t think he could possibly be sincere, but I couldn’t completely discount the notion that a billionaire could theoretically become fed up with what he’d witnessed behind the scenes. At any rate, once Trump selected his cabinet, the psyop became obvious."


'SADs' : Saviour Addicted Dependents.

Biden and Trump:
The 'good cop'/'bad cop' of the globalist agenda planners.

Whether you prefer Pepsi or Coke, the agenda will be advanced.
Marvel or DC - Same plot arc; different character dialogue.

It is those desperately craving a 'saviour' who unwittingly perpetuate the cycle as they fail to realise that their 'saviour' was created by the same people who created the current 'villain'.

 am: 13. März 2024, 19:32:54 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
From Queensland, Australia, my comment about all this, NOTHING is over as long as I still breathe, just like General Quaritch said at the ending of avatar...I disagree btw that there was no choice, we had a choice, the choice to loose our damn useless slave jobs in exchange for our long term health and well-being, or not, this still is a choice:
When these things first came about in QLD I would speak to colleagues and how controlling this is. They were in complete denial. Highly intelligent people, loads of life experience and highly education, had that blank look come over them about this issue. I lost my job and have applied for it six times only to be told by HR (Human Resources) I have a black mark against my name and said to me, "that's all over now and we all had a choice." Mandates aren't a choice. I agree, many thought they were doing the right thing. But the right thing was to not put up with this and not comply so that ALL can be equally treated.

 am: 13. März 2024, 19:27:57 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
If I would copy and paste comments from (the censorship system at youtube) into this thread here this thread would not only have 124 pages, but probably 124.000 pages quite soon. I guess they are having problems shadowbanning all these comments, they would need 10.000 times the staff I guess. Well, I guess AI will very soon "come to the rescue" to auto-shadowban all these comments...but people will move to other systems, they wont be able to bury all this for very much longer.

 am: 13. März 2024, 19:24:36 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Here a report from the "new zealand coronavirus fascism" testing ground or how you want to call it, from a new zealander:
I refused to take the vaccines here in NZ. But despite the fact I wasn't working at the time... friends and a couple of my family members were trying to fearmonger me (including others) to get the vaccine. One friend went as far as trying to push me out the door and take me to the nearest vaccination station without my partner present. She was even telling me not to tell my partner while slatting him off to my face. She is not a friend anymore after that.

My partner and his colleagues were bullied by other colleagues for refusing the vaccines. The verbal abuse that went on was disgusting. No one helped them.

All of us who had refused to take the vaccines or refused after the first or second dose... we could barely go out anywhere. People treated us like vermin riddled with diseases, and even going as far as saying that the unvaccinated are going to die or kill other people. It was horrible. I think a lot of us have trouble trusting anyone now, and some of us are so hurt and broken by all this.

Now I am seeing people constantly getting ill, having God knows what complications and dying around me. Yet, those people are still following all this propaganda and still believe that these vaccines saved their lives. It's so upsetting.

I've experienced psychological manipulation by others in my life, especially not so long ago... and it almost broke me completely. It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, there's always that one person that knows how to break your very soul, especially if it's someone who you always looked up to. Using psychological manipulation on the public is just pure evil. It's unbelievable. It's beyond messed up.

 am: 13. März 2024, 19:21:45 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
On a positive note:
If you lost your job because you said No or spoke out remember you are not the same as the people saying No now and speaking out now when it's safe. You are a different breed and the world needs you more than the sheep's that now when it's safe have enough courage to change side.

 am: 13. März 2024, 19:21:10 
Begonnen von Medizinmann99 - Letzter Beitrag von Medizinmann99
Regarding the covid-crisis here a few comments:
It was the biggest psychological and social experiment in world history, with catastrophic consequences.
The psychopaths behind this crime against humanity weaponized everything that normal healthy humans have, and they lack.  Primarily fear, empathy and conscience.
It could only have all been planned long in advance by entities with a vast understanding of human and social psychology. The most extensive psy-ops ever.

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